One of Us

372 24 45

"R...Roxy..." I stuttered, breaking down.

Please... please come find me. I need you.

I was in extreme pain. Yet somehow, it didn't bother me too much. Something pumped through my veins. Something made me want to live— and survive.
I crawled up a bit towards the hole above me and sighed. I moved my leg and knee and carefully placed myself upwards, my legs shaking. I was in fear of something jumping out and killing me right here and now. I've got to be quick.
I balanced my body with my two arms and was careful not to step and poke myself into the broken and melted metal around me. The smell was not the best— and probably wasn't safe to breathe in. Considering this elevator had fallen and dust covered everything.
I reached out to the hole and grabbed onto the ledge of it. It had somewhat of a good structure to grip onto, thankfully.
I realized I couldn't pull myself up and looked around the small area. It was pretty tight in here so I had to be creative.
I began to rip out some metal that sticking out of the 'wall' and sat it below the hole, creating less distance.
I grabbed onto the ledge again and slowly stood on top of the metal as it wobbled. My breath got quicker the more nervous I got over the seconds.

"Ughn!" I groaned as I pushed myself up.

I felt the metal push from under my feet as I heard it clash against something.


I looked around me and saw near pitch-black. Only one little thing was lit up in the far darkness.
There was an animatronic head sitting there with its eyes lit up. What could it be? And why is it here?
I walked up to the head slowly and proceeded towards it with precaution, careful to not get myself in trouble again.

"What...? What is this?"

I took a step back as it's eyes lit up more. I noticed the head had red stains on it, possibly blood...? Hopefully not.

"Cassie." It spoke.

"Huh?!" I felt my heart race. "H... how do you know my name?"

"I have seen many things in my lifetime— or what was left of it," The head spoke softly, yet it sounded troubled. "You... are not what you used to be, Cassie."

"What do you mean?" I looked at the head confused and crouched down to it.

The head had a few burn marks. Looked... like charcoal kind of.

"Cassie... you are one of us now. There is no way out."

"I'm not one of you... I'm not some floor lantern."

I felt an awkward tension in the area as it just sat there without a thought... I think.

"Not what I meant, Cassie."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just..."

"You don't understand. We know."


"Yes, we are many."

"I guess you did mention that earlier."

"You're slow." It said.

"Rude." I rolled my eyes and sat down criss-crossed apple-sauce.

It just sat there.

"How long am I going to be stuck here?"

I had a feeling I wasn't going to be here for a short time. A feeling I wouldn't be able to get out.

"Until we are freed."

"How am I...?"

"We'll have to take you as our own."


"You are us now."

"What... what do you mean by that?" I asked, frightened of the possibilities.

"We have used your body for our own sake."

"Why... why...?"

I felt a tug at my heart. It wasn't meant to be this way at all. I wasn't meant to die!

"I'm dead...? I... why! Why me!"

"It had to be done."

I collapsed onto all fours and layed my head on the ground, breaking into tears.
At first... I was upset. I was in tears. But now... I felt a form of anger I've never felt before. I felt it build inside of me uncontrollably. I felt an urge to do something.
I heard voices tease me in my head. They were all telling me how they used me for their own gain.

"Cassie..." A feminine voice spoke.

I felt my hand fist up.

"Huh..." I looked up to see a female spirit holding the head.

"Who...?" I wiped my tears.

"You don't need to know my name." The black-haired girl spoke.

She had fair skin and pitch black eyes.

"Just know... that you aren't getting of here anytime soon. You will be here and just for me— for us."

"I know..." My eyebrows furrowed up hearing the same proposal again.

"Your body is mine. I will be a normal child again. I will live happily... I will escape... this hell. I will see the sun rise and the moon fall... I will destroy this place and you... you'll be stuck here for eternity. No place to go... nobody to talk to... and no way out. You'll feel our pain... my pain. You'll feel the agonizing silence we had for over 30 years."

"What does this have to do with me..?" I looked at her in anger.

"Nothing. I just need to use a spare... thing like you."

Suddenly, energy rushed through my vein. I jumped over to the girl and grabbed her neck and pushed her down. I heard her head hit the black floor as she grabbed onto my wrists.

"You... monster."

"What...? I'm no monster..."

"You're just like him..." I heard her struggle to breathe.

"Him? Who is 'him'?"

"The man... who killed me. His shadow face and dark demeanor... his rough hands."

"Enough! Tell me! Now-!"

I was cut off as I felt pairs of hands grab me throughout my body, covering my mouth and eyes, leaving me to myself.
I struggled and wiggled around, trying to escape their grasp.
I couldn't do it. I... I'm stuck.

I'm alone... for now.

~Won't You Free Me?~ (SECURITY BREACH: RUINS The Entity X reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz