Taking Care

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I was cut off as I felt pairs of hands grab me throughout my body, covering my mouth and eyes, leaving me to myself.
I struggled and wiggled around, trying to escape their grasp.
I couldn't do it. I... I'm stuck.

I'm alone... for now.


Roxy looked up at the ceiling of the abandoned Pizzaplex. Though she couldn't really see anything, she adapted to move around proficiently. After all, she is a robot. They have their ways.
She slowly took steps as she walked to a door, carrying Cassie on her back. She checked on her every so often as Cassie was knocked out cold. Roxy was unsure if she'd wake up or not, sometimes letting out a sniffle.
Roxanne was in a room with lockable and secure doors. She quickly locked them and walked over the wall next to a desk. Kneeling down, she carefully removed Cassie from her back and sat layed her on the ground. Roxy tried to make it comfortable, considering the ground is hard.

"I'm sorry for all of this, Cassie," Roxanne rubbed Cassie's head. "If I could ever make it up, we could go racing... or maybe bake some carrot cake— whenever you'd like."

Roxanne couldn't show it, but she was deeply troubled by everything. That boy... ohh... that boy— Gregory. How dare he. How dare he do this?

Suddenly, there was movement from inside of the trash can. This greatly took the large wolf's attention and curiosity. Now, curiosity killed the cat... but did it kill the wolf? No.
Roxanne approached the trash can quickly and peeked inside.
There was... a mini music man sitting there, staring back at her.

"Uhm? What are you doing here?" Roxy asked, a bit of sass in her tone.

She gently picked up the mini music man and held it in her hands.
The mini music man jumped a bit in happiness and seemed to almost thank her for saving him from being stuck in that smelly dump.

"Anytime," she sat it down on the ground. "Now, since I've helped you, I need you to do a little favor for me... and Cassie."

The mini music man looked at Cassie and thought about it. It nodded and clashed it's hands together.
Roxy nodded back and walked over to the messy desk in the back of the room. It had crumbs and rocks from the ceiling that cracked. Paper was lying around everywhere and there was an odor of... nothing! She can't smell... right?
The wolf picked up a pen and began to write a letter...

"Hello, you may or may not know me. But I am Roxanne Wolf, former member of a past band. I worked with Freddy!
Anyways, to the point. Whoever you are, I need your help. I am in danger and at a possible risk of being attacked right now. I have fled from that monster... it was huge and... caused more chaos.
Dear friend, please, I am located in a secured room near the basement. Whether you leave or go farther into the darkness, don't leave us behind. That's right. I have Cassie."

Roxy folded the paper and taped it to the head of the mini music man. She then bent down to it.

"Don't lose this. It's my only way of communicating to the outside world. If... anybody ever comes. Please... I'm depending on you. So... come back and deliver the news."

The mini music man nodded and scurried off into a hole in the wall.

"I'll be waiting for you."

Roxanne looked over at Cassie. She was still knocked out and breathing slowly. Roxy sighed and slid down the wall, looking down at the sleeping girl.

"I don't have much to lose. So take this." Roxanne tore a piece of her hair off and slid it into Cassie's pocket.

Roxy then rubbed the girl's head, humming a lullaby.


"Whatever happened to you naughty rabbits?!" The dark voice spoke to me, angered.

"Leave me alone."

"Don't tell me... the creator. I've been waiting... for long, again. I couldn't bare to take more years alone."

"What do you want? And why can't you get it yourself, hm?" I muttered.

"I can't... I'm stuck. I never knew I'd have to say that again, but I am."

"Well I don't want to help you."

"Oh really? Then I'd just have to take her life."

"Who?" My attention immediately focused on the voice, taking it more seriously.

I heard him chuckle. His laughs appearing and fainting all around me.

"Y/n. That sweet little woman... her gorgeous smile and warm eyes— you wouldn't like that taken, wouldn't you?"

"No... not at all..."

"Let's make a deal."


I saw a figure approach from out of the darkness.

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