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"Kinda hard... haha."

"Sorry~ can't help it."

"Well let's go!"

I ran off, MXES telling me to slow down.

"Come back here!"


I looked behind me to see that he was gone.


I clashed into something hard, falling onto my ass again.

"I'm gonna need a pillow sooner or later..." I groaned, looking up at MXES staring me down with a bad look.

"Don't look up at me like that..."

"You know why I am."

"Okay, okay, I give up! I'm sorry." I raised my hand up, awkwardly smiling at me.

He turned his head a bit and didn't say a word. I suppose he was still angry at me.
I stood up and dusted myself off of any dirt. I'm seriously going to need some cushion because I keep hurting my ass. Ouch.

"You'll be fine. Come on. Don't wanna wake one of them up."


I looked around where we were and saw figures... they were all consisting of metal and looked dead.

"What are those..?"

"Endoskeletons, as far as I know. That's what inside all your favorite-little Glamrocks. Cute isn't it?"

"NO! They aren't cute!"

"I wouldn't say that out loud."

I crossed my arms and gave the rabbit in front of me a look.

"And tell me why I shouldn't?"

"Take off the mask."

"Oh so now you want me to take it off?"

"Yes... I just don't like the trouble of having to always come back."

"I understand. I'm lazy too."

"I can tell.." He smirked and rolled his eyes.

"Oh, and just how could you~?"

"You don't wanna take off the mask." He said, the 'k' clicking off his tongue.


His eyes widened a bit.


I took the mask off of my face.

"Haha! Silly rabbit," I looked around to see that everything is still as it was. "Nothing changed~."

"Such a scaredy-cat."

I walked down around the room, holding my mask and moving the flashlight around the dark area.

"I wonder what happens if I do this..." I whisper, walking up to the endoskeleton and tapping it's arm.


I jumped a little as the endo twitched before resting back into it's neutral pose.

"Are they still active...?" I shined the flashlight at its eyes.

"Huh, strange." I shrugged it off and looked over.

There was an endoskeleton staring straight at me, piercing through my soul.

"Uhm," I waved at it. "Hey, I'm just- you know- here? I'm just passing by. Don't mind me!"

It's red eyes stayed the same, never-changing. It's arms rested by its side in an uncomfortable manner.

"Your eyes are beautiful... you look very, very nice, sir. I hope uh, you're doing okay..." I held my hands up trying to slip past him.

He didn't do anything. It must've just been a coincidence that it was standing like it wanted to kill me, funny.

"Maybe I've judged you too soon." I turned around and as I took a step-

I looked back behind me quickly as an endo was directly in front of me, staring me down.


My flashlight dropped, leaving me without barely any light source. Thankfully, it was still on and I could see it's legs and lower torso.
The head and chest? Pitch black.

"Okay... let's sort this out..."

I began to walk backwards, keeping my eyes on the naked robot in front of me. Suddenly, I had a brilliant thought come into mind, do they move when you're not looking?
I quickly looked away and back at it as I heard it's footsteps get closer.

"You don't wanna try that again."

"MXES! How are you talking to me?"

"As long as you're in the mask's system, I am able to communicate without the mask on, remember?"

"Oh yeah, sorry it's been... a bit and you never did that before."

"All my fault, I get busy."

"Doing what?"

I looked at the mask and backed up, forgetting about the endo in front of me.

"Hello?" MXES didn't answer.

"Ugh! I swear he just wants to see me die." I looked back at the endo, it was closer than ever.

Finally, light began to appear at my feet, I was heading towards it.

"Okay... let's you know, talk this out responsibly... maybe invite you over to a tea party?"

I kept walking further from it, talking nonsense from out of my ass. Whatever went through that robot's head, it wasn't happy with me.
Speaking of MXES, I wanted to see what he was doing. I put back on the mask and he wasn't there.


My mouth was covered tightly by something hard. I grabbed onto what it was and tried to pull it away. All that came out of my mouth were muffled screams. My feet kicked as my breath became heavy. I just wanted to go! I just wanted to go help MXES and leave...

"Shhh... it'll be over soon..."

It's grip tightened and I felt myself pass out.

~Won't You Free Me?~ (SECURITY BREACH: RUINS The Entity X reader)Where stories live. Discover now