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How the hell could that had happened to Gregory? What the hell happened?!
MXES slowly looked at it, his smile faded.
I looked at him, my eyes widened and burning.

What are we going to do now?

MXES did a little whistle to get past the awkward silence we had, well— I wouldn't say awkward, but I'd say disturbing. A disturbing type of quiet. Now, I like my peace and quiet, but not like this.


"Hm?" He didn't even bother to look at me.

"Are we... gonna go get him?"

"I'm not touching that."

"I'm not either!"

"You'll have to." He looked over at me with those awkward eyes.

"I'm not touching a dead body..."

"Then I suppose he'll be left out for the roaches."

"EW! Don't say that! Yuck! Disgusting."

I shivered at the thought of the bugs... ugh, the bugs eating away at him like a good ol' Thanksgiving turkey. Thanks MXES, you just HAD to burn that into my mind. Great.

"Sorry, love... it's just how life is." He nuzzled himself closer to me, pushing me against the conveyor belt.

"Hey..." My back nearly touched the conveyor as I could fear my hair drag along.


"I... uhm."

"Spit it out..."

"This is uh..."

MXES's face got closer to mine as he wrapped his hands around my wrists.
My heartbeat was quick and I didn't know how to feel at this moment. What is happening? Am I gonna get killed or threatened? Or...

"Say it..." He whispered.

"...this is awkward."

"Oh I agree dear... but I ain't moving anytime soon."

His snout was rubbed against my nose as his eyes pierced into mine.

"Get off..." I moved my head back, careful not to get my hair stuck and torn off.

"Why...? Why should I?"

"Please... give me my space."

I felt the rabbit grip harder onto my wrists.


I felt a peck on my head. It felt like... a kiss. A kiss? A KISS?!
This has escalated WAY too far! Holy shit! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO??


"What's wrong?"

"I... uhm. Uh. Y'know, yay? Uh." I kept muttering random sounds trying to think of something to say.

MXES's index finger covered my mouth. He shushed me and let go.
I quickly stood up and took a step away from him to take a breather.

"Why'd you do that?"

"Because I have perfect timing."

"No! We don't kiss after seeing a dead body! That's the OPPOSITE of perfect timing!"

The rabbit shrugged.

"I meant like having the perfect moment to just... get on to you and do something."


"Nothing forget I even did anything to you."

"How am I suppose to forget that? You basically kissed me while having me captive in your hands."

"You don't seem too angry about it. I'm not worried."

Shit, he got me there.

"Okay okay fine. Kudos to you for that."

"Thank you. I'm always quite spectacular." He said in his best Roxy voice.

Not going to lie, he got a giggle out of me for that one. I mean, have you ever heard Roxanne in her room? She's always talking to herself as if she's the best and how her fans are always watching her. She seems too... worried and obsessed with herself. But who wouldn't be if they were a big icon? Well... even people like her have their downside. Sometimes they aren't happy at all and tend to fall into some secret and hidden-away depression.

"Yeah, ya sure are." I crossed my arms and began to leave, leaving MXES behind and catching up.

"Hey, you can't just me leave like that."

"Heyyyyy, you can't just grab my wrists like that!" I mocked, grinning at his dumbfounded expression.

"That's different! I have to know where you're going."

"Well you're always gonna be with me no matter what because of this silly rabbit security mask that I got to wear 24/7 to talk to your ass."

He rolled his eyes as we continued walking.
I was just looking around at my surroundings as I suddenly began to feel myself fall down something.
Luckily, MXES had grabbed ahold of me and pulled me back up with ease. When did rabbits become strong? I need what they're getting nowadays.


"Beware, there is a hole in the floor. Don't want to fall down and perhaps... sprain something, don't you?"

"No... not at all. Thanks."

Why did he sound sort of... British at the end of the sentence? Why haven't I noticed it before? It wasn't that stereotypical accent, but it was smooth and sort of deep.

"So what's that room down there?"

"It's where me and a certain girl had our real first interaction... or some type of tension."

"Who...?" I looked over at the rabbit.


~Won't You Free Me?~ (SECURITY BREACH: RUINS The Entity X reader)Where stories live. Discover now