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"Well I'm still broken. But I'm happy you see the real me." She expressed happily.

"Me too." I smiled.

I reached my hand to her hair as I heard Roxanne growl.

I stepped back, scared. Was she upset that I was going to touch her hair? Was she going to hurt me?
Roxanne's face then turned into a worried comfort-like look.

"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you, Y/n," She swore. "I was only just messing with you."

She let out an awkward laugh before she relaxed her mechanical body, sighing.

"Phew, I thought I would turn into some form of lunch meat today!"

I had a visible drip of sweat down my forehead.

"Of course not." Roxanne walked to me, wiping off the drop that was racing to my chin.

"Doesn't water or other liquids break you?"

"What do you mean?" Roxanne's eyelids were lazy-looking and droopy.

"Ah, won't liquid cause you to uhm," I took a moment to scramble my words together. "Mal... malfunction?"

"Nope. Not me, at least."

"What? Isn't Monty suppose to be water-proof instead?"


"True. I did see it in front my eyes, I just wasn't thinking of him like that."

"What do you mean?" Roxanne sounded confused by what I was saying.

I stood there, thinking about what I just said. Honestly, it didn't make much sense to me either.

"I don't know."

"Alright, w—"

Roxanne and I turned toward a loud, high-pitch scream of what seemed to be some person— possibly a girl.
I looked towards Roxy who was sprinting to the source.


I ran after her, panting as my body was NOT ready for this shit.

MXES moved around as Helpi called out his name.


"What happened?" The bear pointed to the broken vending machine.

They stepped and moved away from the shattered glass that lied across the floor.

"Seems like it was broken into."

"Who?" Helpi asked.

MXES thought to himself as he looked around.

"Y/n? Y/n? Where are you?" He began searching the area around them. "Huh?! She's not here!"

"Maybe she ran off and went savage!"

"What?" MXES has an angry face as he looked down at the bear.

Helpi whimpered and brought his hands to his chest as he spoke.

"Well uh... I didn't do anything! I just think maybe she went off in a hurry for food... happens when you're hungry..."

The rabbit sighed as he grumbled in annoyance.

"I guess we'll walk around."

"So I'll go this way and you go that way?"

"No, dumbass. We stick together. You know you're too small for the others." MXES teased, squinting his fingers together to express tininess.

Helpi shrugged as pink blush covered his face.

"Don't ever make that joke again." The bear threatened.

"We're both men here. Don't worry."

"Of course I'm worrying! I don't want some rabbit interco-!"

MXES shushed him.

"I don't like you enough to fuck you."

Helpi's eyes widened as he stood there with a shocked expression.

The rabbit removed his hand.


The rabbit covered Helpi's mouth again.

"You don't know when to shut up, don't you?"

Helpi shook his head no as he forced MXES's hands off.

"How can I not?! You said the thing!"


"Yeah! That! AH!"

"I'm sure you've said it too. What are you? Some teenager? Yikes." MXES smiled wider in amusement.

"Yeah... a smart one!"

"Me too." MXES grinned even more.

"Damn it."

"Not going to lie, I might be stupid now."

"Yeah considering you're some thirty year old... I don't know. I forgot."

"You're close. Not exactly thirty."

"Okay! Whatever. We get it, you're like— fifty-seven?"

"Hello? Fifty-seven? What are you on?" MXES exaggerated.

Helpi shrugged and smiled.

"Welllll— you did say-"

"I'm thirty-one god damn it! How can you miss just ONE number?! And you then guessed by so much more numbers!"

"Hey now! Maybe I'm not smart after all. Yeah...?"

"You're dumb. Absolute honkers."


They stood there quietly, staring each other deeply into their eyes.


"Nothing." Helpi snorted.

"Tell me!"


"What about it?"

Helpi couldn't help it anymore as he fell and rolled on the ground, laughing loudly, filling the room with his resonance.

"God damn it Helpi..." MXES rubbed his head as he heard distant footsteps, looking across the room.

~Won't You Free Me?~ (SECURITY BREACH: RUINS The Entity X reader)Where stories live. Discover now