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"Sigh. We're never going to get out of here. They'll lock us up here forever! The building will be scrapped to pieces!"

MXES stood there, thinking long and hard with the many muscles in his head. He turned back to Helpi with a grin.

"I have an idea."

I awoke in the midst of the night. It was 2:12 in the morning and my mouth was dry. I could technically almost hear my body cry out for more water. So, as every normal person would, I got out of bed and went to the kitchen.
I grabbed an empty glass cup from the cabinet and walked to the fridge. I stood in front as I stuck the cup under the water.
My eyes closed and felt drowsy as I could hear the water pouring in the back.
Then, the fridge suddenly stopped working and the very little bits of lights were off.

"Huh?" I sat the glass down wherever I could and walked over to the kitchen window.

Outside, my house was covered in a plain field that had trees guarding it. We were in the middle and I couldn't see anything. It was just trees in the far distance.
I let out a grumble as I felt around the house. It was hard as I kept stubbing my toes into everything.

"Ow," I moaned. "Why?"

After a while, I felt the staircase. I doggy-crawled my way up slowly so I didn't slip and crack my head open. Scary thoughts.

"Why is the electricity out?"

I got up the staircase and slowly walked to my room, shutting the door behind me. I don't want no creature following me into my room. I just can't do it.
Then, I felt my fan start up and whir. The electricity seemed to be working again.
I felt around for my lamp and turned it on.
My room lit up and I could see well again, giving me a sigh of relief.
I got my remote and turned on my TV. It was pretty nice and I had YouTube installed. I mean, my parents aren't here right now so I don't think we payed our Netflix bill.

It's alright.

"Hm, I wonder who's on today..."

I was scrolling through recommended videos and getting bored of every single one of them.

"Is there never nothing on?"

I kept looking, finally able to find a video about the Pizzaplex. Which is strange, everybody has given up on that place, right? I think so. I can't remember. They haven't been working on it for like, forever now. I don't think people care for it anymore.

It was a news video talking about animatronics escaping from the pizzeria. Which is weird. Why are they leaving? Maybe they're sick of being alone in that dark, cold place. There's no love there anymore.

"Hmm..." I hummed, watching clips of creepy, broken-down animatronics escape and beat down the building.

They all were in terrible condition. I mean, I saw them in person, but I never knew they could leave now. I wonder how they didn't get me when I was asleep there. I don't know. I'm overthinking. I'm just tired.

I sat there staring off into space as my TV began to dim into a purple shade. I didn't react. I'm done with this shit.
But what caught my attention was my TV now screeching and glitching everywhere.

"Huh? What the hell?" I fully sat up into a more firm posture.

I tried to turn off the TV with my remote but it didn't work. Over and over I clicked the off button. No reaction.

Then, a rabbit figure popped out onto the screen and before I could take in the details, I closed my eyes and screamed.



"Come on. Open your eyes." A familiar voice asked.


"It's me, MXES."

"Really?" I slowly opened my right eye and h behold, it was actually MXES.

"How did you find my house?"

"Ahem, remember when that masked poked you?" He said, sounding like he was about to deliver terrible news.

"I think so."

"It traces all of your data."

"How the fuck does that work?" I stared at him, deeply confused.

"It just does. I don't question the logic, I pretty much play with it."

"No wonder Freddy's got shut down. Such big-brained idiots tracking our information."

"Hey now, it's only for the workers. Since you know, you used that mask. They have to know your information so they can seek your dead body."

"Uh-huh, okay, wow, interesting. So, if I died, somebody could've known and saved me?"

MXES rolled his eyes.

"Nope. Nobody is really in control of this establishment right now so no, nobody can track you except all of the animatronics in the building. That's it."

"No wonder they were chasing me like crazy."

"Exactly, but I forgot to mention. It only gives your relative location. So it's easy to hide."

"How do you know?"

"I'm built to know."

"I guess." I puffed, obviously not liking that answer.



"Come on, admit it, you must be~." He teased.

"Not now, just not now. I don't feel like going for all this romantic crap with you so just stop."

"Aw, you're missing out~."

"Missing out on being in jail for being with an animal. That's what. And I'm happy with it."

"I'm not an animal..." MXES growled.

"Yeah you are," I looked up, seeing that the rabbit was now gone and the TV had returned to normal. "He just can't accept it."

~Won't You Free Me?~ (SECURITY BREACH: RUINS The Entity X reader)Where stories live. Discover now