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"You shouldn't worry..."

"Why?" I demanded, trying to get it out of him.

"Because I... I..."

"Spit it out!"

MXES groaned and covered his eyes, his body glitching a little.

"I can't let him get to you..."

"What? What do you mean?!"

I took a step forward as he backed away from me, making these horrible sounds.

"Hey... are you okay...?"

His body seemed to turn yellow— to purple— to green— and back to the same old dark color. It might've changed a rich blue too— but I can't tell very well.


MXES faded away and I was left alone. I'm so damn confused right now it's not even funny. Like, did I just get left to have even more questions than before? What? What is even going on anymore.

"Guess it's just me and... you... yuck." I held back my nervousness as I approached some puddle.

"What is this?" I looked at the puddle and decided to stay away from it.

Curiosity kills the cat for all I know. I'm not trying to die to some puddle. You know how lame that would be? I don't want my ancestors laughing at me from the heavens because I died from some blueberry fazzy juice.
I heard my stomach rumble as I was hungry for food.

"Ugh... great."

I have no food or water— so I have to be careful about what I do. I don't want to use up my energy so quickly.
I took off the mask for a quick second and felt the cold air hit my face.

"Woah..." I mumbled as it has been quite a while since I last had a fresh breath of air.

However, I'm my pinky started to hurt like hell again so I put back on the mask, forgetting all about the pain.


I almost punched the face of the mask.


"It's me! Your personal assistant!"

"Where the hell were you?!"





"Yes now— what exactly are we doing right now?"

"I don't know... fucking Gregory died."

Helpi looked like his jaw was to the floor. Like— he has never even imagined to hear that sentence.

"WHAT?!" Helpy gasped.

"Don't even ask you fat bear, I don't fucking know myself."

Helpi gasped again.

"I'm not fat! Every bear is built like this!"

"Well god, you must be abnormally unbearing to look at."

Helpi rolled his eyes and opened his mouth.

"So like, what are we doing now?" I asked.

The bear put his finger on his chin, taking his sweet time to think.

"I think that we should put the body somewhere."

"The same answer..." I mumbled quietly. "Okay, I'm not touching-"

"Not now. Later... leave it here for now."

"Then what are we doing?" I raised an eyebrow, looking down at the blue puddles.

"We are going to make Gregory's body alive again." He seemed to lower his voice, careful not to say it loudly.

Kind of suspicious to be honest but hey— we are technically talking about some dead body here so... who am I go judge?

"How the hell? That isn't possible."

"It sure is."

"Tell me 'bout it." I ask, sitting down beside some crate as I talk to some digital animal helper.

"Back a long time ago, there were all sorts of crazy people-"

"Yeah yeah, drugs, alcohol, murderers— runaways? There was so much more I ain't going to name."

"That's it... but there were parties too."

"We have those still." I could feel the dryness of my tongue right now.

I need to get my mind off of this thirst. Goodness, I was slightly biting my tongue at this point. When have I ever done that?

"Yes we do, but not like back in the 20's."

"And how do you know that? I'm sure you know nothing. Hell, that was a long time ago. Have you even been in the 20's?"

"Sure have. And now I'm back, better than ever!" He cheered, doing a little dance and going side to side.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah... definitely."

"Well... technically the 20's wasn't too long ago."


"Which begs the question, am I older than you?" I smirked.

I mean, this gives me an advantage now.

"Uhm." Helpi stuttered.


He rubbed his forehead of 'sweat', like he was nervous.

"I guess you are." He shrugged.

"So technically I could be ordering you around?"

"Huh? No! I am what keep this mask going and the business taken care of!"

"Oh so you get business done? I'm sure you'll do good at what I need to get done."

Helpi sighed in defeat and accepted it.

"Alright, what do you want?" He smiled.

I rested my head on my hands, resting.

"I need you... to help me with this."

~Won't You Free Me?~ (SECURITY BREACH: RUINS The Entity X reader)Where stories live. Discover now