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"So he's coming your way now."

"How do you know—?"

And just like that, MXES cut his signal and left me. He practically is just teasing me at this point.

I sat down on the couch and rubbed my temples.

"What am I going to do at this point?"

I got up and made some popcorn and put some cheese topping on it. Not the melted cheese, but those bottles you shake the topping out. I 100% recommend it. Amazing. But not as good as caramel popcorn, which is my bae. Love my caramel.

I had some soda sitting on the table from a new nights ago. Of course I didn't drink it right now, but I wondered why I didn't throw it away. I usually do. But hey, maybe it was from the night before I left out to go to the Pizzaplex.

But again, why is MXES just sending shit here— SOMEHOW knowing my address? Oh... right. When that mask had poked me, it took in my information.

Goodness I definitely agree Fazbear should be shut down, permanently.

Jeez, again, I'm forgetting things... haven't I said that to myself before already? Ugh... jeez. I already said jeez! Ugh! I already said that too!

I groaned and slouched down on the couch in a very bad and unhealthy position. But hey, I couldn't help it, it was extremely comfortable, for no reason at all. Guess we'll have to see what time says about it.
I looked into the bag of popcorn and already felt my mouth water. I dug into the bag and immediately began snacking on the baked corn as savored the taste on my tongue. The cheese was probably the highlight of my day. Honestly, should've stayed home and ate this instead of getting myself in that hell hole and now...

I instinctively looked over at the door that had been forced open. I just stared in shock, too fearful to move.

"Y/n..." it grumbled.

I just stared.

"Oh Y/n, it's me..."

Some robot had walked in my house and stared at me, it's face cracked and... oh! It's Bonnie and Freddy; it was the thing MXES told me about that he was sending to my house.

"Gregory?" I muttered quietly, with a concerned tone.

It stood there, it's ears peeking up weakly as it sounded really broken and roughed out.

"It's... you. Why did... why did you leave me?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Shut the door. You're gonna let the bugs in."

'Gregory' huffed and slammed the door shut.

"Not that hard!"

"The hell do you want then, lady?"

"You know what, since you want to act that way, just get out. You don't live here anyways." I took a piece of my popcorn.

Gregory walked over to the couch and stood beside it, looking at my TV.

"What are you even watching?" He judged.

"My favorite show."


"I'm not so lazy if I was the one to escape the Pizzaplex, hm?" I looked up at him with a smirk, not that kind— but the smile knowing I triggered something in him.

He just stared at me with those lifeless eyes. They couldn't move or even shine. The way his body was smushed and cracked everywhere kind of creeped me out.

"I'm calling my dad..."

"What? No... you can't. Not with me..."

"No, I'm gonna ask him something very crucial."

"Just what then?"

"I'm gonna ask if he can... repair you. I remember when I was younger and he told me he used to work for this guy's robotic company. Started with an 'a' or something like that."

"Okay stay on point. I don't care what he did when he was younger."

"Jeez... well, I'm going to lie saying I found this robot and you're going to have to pretend that you don't work at all. Just pretend you're some junkyard piece of shit that's been abandoned and left to be dilapidated."

"What the heck does dilapidated even mean??"

"I don't know. Anyways," I rushed, hearing his annoyed moan. "I'm gonna call him now!"

I cheerfully got off the couch and ran to the house phone, which I somehow forgot was here earlier. I dialed my father's phone and waited for him to answer back.

"Man," I yawned. "I'm going to bed after this."


I slowly looked over at him.

"Don't okay me!"


"Come on Gregory!"


"Fine, I'm sorry about getting a little pissy earlier. Sorry for leaving ya, apparently."

He just stood there with that soulless face. I felt my face drip with sweat and quickly looked away. The phone didn't pick up. He didn't answer.

"Guess I'll have to try next time."

"Your dad didn't pick up?"

"Nope, must be asleep right now."

"Boo-hoo, now go to bed."

"Gregory... you're right. I am going to bed. In fact, I'd take that as a reward," I walked over to the TV and turned it off. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go get my beauty sleep. I hope I wake up in the morning to this being some weird dream I had because of an extremely hype high school party."

"I'm sure you've never been to one."

I paused.

"In fact— ahh... you're right..." I whistled awkwardly.

"Just pretend okay?"

"You're a loner, Y/n. We get it." Gregory chuckled.

"Pfft, sure. Ask MXES about that for me, mmk?" I walked off to my room, leaving him silent.

As I entered my room, I didn't even bother to turn on my lights. I plopped onto the bed and got under the comforter. I lied there for a moment wondering when I can just forget any of this happen. I just want to go back in time and change the decisions I made a while back. However, if I didn't, I wouldn't have met MXES. His existence wouldn't even be thought of.

Like they say... everything happens for a reason.

I rolled over and faced the wall. My eyes closed and all I saw was the dark.

~Won't You Free Me?~ (SECURITY BREACH: RUINS The Entity X reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant