Thoughts of MXES

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Slowly, one by one, I read through the papers and broke down into tears.
I didn't know what to think of it at the time, but I could never see my 'mom' the same way ever again.
My father never found out about it, either. In fact, I hid it so well, they still don't know.

I just miss my mother, who've I never met, more than ever now.

"Cupcake!" Helpi called out to the strangely large cupcake.

"Ohhhhhh— cupcake!" He called out again.

"Helpy... he isn't gonna answer you. It's just some statue."

I was obviously still upset from what happened earlier.

Helpi turned to me with an eyebrow raised and put his hands on his waist— if he even had one. He was too fat to even see a hint of outline and structure to his body. Poor guy, he really didn't get that body like the Glamrocks and MXES— wait... you... didn't see that. You don't know about that! MXES is obviously the worst looking one...

"Just watch and relax! Mr. Icing here will pay attention to me and..."

Helpi's words were drowned out as I began to wander off with my thoughts. All I could think about was that darn virtual rabbit that kept bugging me. No matter how hard I try to stop my thoughts, I always end up thinking of him in a different scenario. Just... his ears... jawline... the way his eyes stare into mine randomly. Everytime I see him flash in my mind, I could feel my cheeks heat up.

"Y/n? Hello?" Helpi spoke, puzzled by my absence.

I felt MXES push me against the wall as his eyes were almost half-lidded. The head was twice the size of mine and his cheekbones are stuck out, forming a perfect disk-like shape. His face was so curvy and his ears... a little small... but so proportionate to his features.
I felt his body move up mine as his minty breath flowed through mine, making my eyes slightly colder-feeling.
I admired the patterns on his body as he towered over me, allowing me room to look. He just looked down at me, almost like he knew he was hot— like he knew he was worth everything. I looked into his eyes and saw that he looked me up and down. I blushed and began to feel myself shake. I was nervous, which is pretty normal for everyone. I mean... this was getting kind of heated. I'm not used to this! I've never been in a situation like this, ever!
He moved his snout and rubbed it against my nose to show me affection. I rested my right hand on his left cheek and massaged it in a circular motion.
For a moment, I saw his eyes glow a bright purple. I wonder what that means.

"Ugh..." MXES sighed as his hand reached for my waist.

"So... so... cute." He whispered in my ear.

All I could do was gulp as I watched MXES rub my waist up and down at a slow pace. He was really working himself into it because I could feel all my stress being rubbed away and forgotten about in some old fairly tale book in a library.

"You needed this, didn't you?" MXES spoke gently to me, still massaging me.


He worked his fingers more into me.

"Like this... this is what your body wants. See how your anxiety is going away?"

"Uh huh..." I said lazily, just wanting to enjoy the experience instead of talking and doing useless things or tasks that my boss would always give me when I was working back

His softly kissed me on my lips and continued rubbing, not ever stopping. I felt my breath be refreshed immediately and my mind went ape-shit. My heart was beating and my brain was lost and confused.

"You taste sweet..." MXES pulled away. "What have you been eating?"

"Food...?" I shrugged, not letting him know that soon enough, my breath will smell like shit since I'm stuck in this hell— too big of a hell.

"Don't get like that with me," MXES raised my chin with his right hand's index finger and smirked that same old wide smile. "I know the food isn't making you so sweet..."

Suddenly, MXES began moving onto me and I could feel his heat onto mine.

"Y/n..." MXES said with a deep breath of relief.


"I need to tell you something..."

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