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"How lucky..."

I looked over to Gregory's body.

"I got an idea."

"What? I think we probably shouldn't do that." MXES said, rushing over to me with his hands shaking "no".

"Okay? I think it's amazing," I pushed him away as looked around my bag.

All there was were some candy and wrappers, until...
There, I found a plastic little container. Not big, fairly round, and it had a lid. I approached Gregory's body and took a strand of his hair.

"You look crazy..."

"Shut up! I'm just doing my job."

"Job? You don't have a job."

"Shhh... don't call me out like that." I chuckled, letting some blood in as well.

"You shouldn't be doing this. Just let me out and go. This is nuts."

"Shut up or I'm gonna shove my nuts in your mouth!"

"You don't have any nuts."

"Maybe I do."

MXES rolled his eyes and took my bag away.

"Pardon? My bag?"

"No, you're not taking that."

"Why? Is reanimating him so bad?"

"He's dead, let him rest. There's no point in raising back the dead for them to suffer all over again."

"Please, he will be fine. I'm sure him and Freddy are looking for each other in the after life anyways."

"How do you know? You're not dead. There's no proof of what happens after death."

"Pfft. Chill out,"

"You're not yourself. Please stop."

"No. I'm taking this and I'm bringing him back. That is final."

"Fine. Just don't come complaining and crying to me when you escalate everything."

"I'm not going to ruin everything. In fact, I'm saving you, and me, as well as Gregory and the others."

"I said fine. Do whatever you think needs to be done. I'm not stopping you."

"That's right. You're not!" I smiled, happily tossing the container of hair and blood in my bag.

I looked back at Gregory's unmoving— unnerving body. It stood still as it smelt and rotted.

"I don't want to look at this anymore."


"Please, let's leave."

"Where are we going now?"

"Well I can teleport places now, please must we-"

"No, what about the others?"

"You can't save them. You can't always save everyone."

MXES approached me with his large hands, reaching for my face.

"What are you doing...?" I tried to move away, unable to get far enough.

"Get out of here..."


Before I knew it, he had moved to me and my vision turned black. I had passed out, fainted. I was sent into a peaceful sleep. I didn't dream.


I felt my eyes hurt in pain as a flash of light pierced through them. Suddenly, I jumped up as cold water was splashed onto me. I was sitting up at an uncomfortable angle as my body cried out. I was sore from my head to toes. Weird. I can't remember what happened a moment ago. All I could remember was running. Running from the Mimic with Helpi in my arms.
Poor Roxy, did she ever escape? What about MXES... I miss him.
I shook my head away of the racing thoughts. Looking around, I noticed a police officer hovering above me.

"Are you alright, miss?"


"Miss, are. you. alright?" He said slower, with a tougher tone to his voice.

"Yeah, uhm. What am I doing right here?"

"I don't know, ma'am, but you need to go home."

"Maybe I was sleep-walking again, I'm sorry." I mumbled, pulling sheets of lies out my asshole.

"I'm sorry about that miss. I'll take you home."

"Thank you sir, I'd appreciate that."

He nodded his head and lended his hand, picking me up. I wobbled a little, but I gained back my composure. The police officer had waved for me to follow him to his vehicle, and I did. He let me in the front seat, which was odd, but I didn't question.

"So, did you happen to see any man lurking in the shadows? Or perhaps, following you?" The police officer interrogated.

"Man? In the shadows? No, I don't believe I did."

He looked ahead at the building in front of me. His face seemed to be masking fear and worry. I wonder who this man was.

"Does he have a name?" I asked.

"Well, so far we could only make out a 'Dave', but that's it." His finger tapped the steering wheel.

"Did you do a background check?"

"Shit. Jerry was supposed to do that," he sighed.

"Why didn't he do it?" I was pretty confused how they forgot to do this.

"Apparently, he already had another case going on. Should've done it myself."


"I'll have to talk to him later."

"That's all I can think of doing." I rested my head on my chin as I looked over at the building for the millionth time.

I felt my heart face with anxiety. Where is everyone?

"I should take you home. Need a ride?"

"Yeah, that'd be great. I need sleep."

"Definitely. Just be sure to get your sleep walking under control."

"Of course, thank you."

And with that, he started the car.

~Won't You Free Me?~ (SECURITY BREACH: RUINS The Entity X reader)Where stories live. Discover now