'Perfect' Fit

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Helpi couldn't help it anymore as he fell and rolled on the ground, laughing loudly, filling the room with his resonance.

"God damn it Helpi..." MXES rubbed his head as he heard distant footsteps, looking across the room.

MXES looked around, confused by who was around.
He looked back down at Helpi who went silent.


"What's wrong? You look kind of scared."

MXES fixed his face.

"I'm not scared. Look at me, I'm just some digital rabbit. I can't be hurt or killed,"

Suddenly, a shard of glass was thrown at MXES's ear, causing half of his right ear to glitch off.
Helpi's eyes widened as he watched MXES start to freak out.

"Are you okay?!" Helpi looked up at him.

"Yeah... ugh," The rabbit felt around for his ear. "Is it coming back?"

"A little."

MXES's ear was slowly making it's way back, healing like nothing happened.

"What threw that shard?" MXES asked.

Helpi picked up the glass shard and inspected it.

"It's dusty. Maybe something got out of place?"

"Possibly, you fat bear,"

The fat bear looked up at him in anger.

"Whatever, we need to go find Y/n."

Helpi suddenly went blank.

"Oh right."



"I've got no time! Keep up or you'll be left behind!"

I kept trying and trying to run faster. I only had so much energy to spare until I grew tired at some point.
Roxanne's feet stumbled and stomped across the floor as she growled in anger. She seemed passionate to get to the source of the girl— who I could only guess— was possibly Cassie.
Again, another scream was echoed— this time, it was horrendous. It was like the sound of some dying animal getting ripped to shreds and eaten alive.
Poor girl— will we even get to her quick enough? I fear not. I fear Roxanne will possibly see something and fear whatever else is to come.
Roxanne was out of my sight. I couldn't run as fast anymore. I couldn't keep up.
I looked around frantically, trying to find some way to get to Roxy.
There was nothing but walls and trash.
But a miracle happened, that same old small robot that had delivered Roxanne's letter was clapping its hands in a vent.

"Oh goodness! Thank you! Thank you!"

I moved some wooden boxes and stacked them up. It took me a few seconds, but I was in the vents.
I followed quickly on my knees as the robot crawled through different vents, leading me somewhere.
My knees were hurting— possibly bruised— as I kept my pace. I could hear the stomping of Roxanne's feet as she ran near the area I was in.
Suddenly, the robot and I stopped at the opening— the cracks of the vent.
It moved up the ceiling of the vent and let me move closer, letting me get a peek.
I could see that Roxanne had frozen. She looked like she saw a ghost.
However, I couldn't see. The area was dark and dusty— trash everywhere. I saw the rats and bugs scatter across the floor to darker areas as something else was making it's way to Roxanne.
I squinted my eyes and took a closer look.
There was another figure appearing out of the darkness.
It was loud and seemed taller than Roxy.
My body shivered and ran cold as I saw something on it. Flesh was hanging from its metal body.
Yet, the flesh was of a child as it didn't exactly fit. It wore the head and hands; the skin stretched like a popped balloon. Blood was dripping down its legs, causing the it to leave behind red footprints. The hair of the body was still intact. It was just stretched down to the back of the mysterious robot's neck.
I looked away to Roxanne, she had a worried look that changed to anger. She saw it's 'perfect' fit and stepped forward, her claws ready to pounce.
I couldn't take the sight anymore.
I grabbed the mini robot above me.

"Please get me out."

It nodded and I let it go and followed it out of the vents.
The sight I saw was worse than Gregory's death— however he died. Wait— does that mean he possibly died that way? Being stretched and forced into the size of a huge robot? It did seemed like the robot was bugging out. It's limbs were shrinking in an out.
It was just terrible to see. Never again.
I climbed out the vent and slid down the wall on my back. I took big breaths— deep and wide. My heart was pounding at the door of death. It was quick and painful.


I looked up at see MXES. He was across the room and Helpi was already running his fatass to me like it was lunchtime.
MXES reached me before as he only glitched.

"What's wrong? You're shaking and breathing quick."

"I was following Roxy-"

"Roxy? As in Roxanne Wolf herself?"

"Didn't I tell you?"

"I'm not sure."

"Whatever— I don't think I did. Well I was following her to find Cassie and we heard a scream. So she started running and then I started running. I couldn't keep up because my hungry ass is not energized. So I lost her and then this tiny music robot led me through a vent. We peeked through and watched a bigger robot that was in the skin of a little kid! And I just dipped! I didn't want to see that shit!"

"I understand... that's terrible. I'm sorry."

"Do you need us to do anything for you?" Helpi asked worriedly— but cheerfully to calm me.

"Nothing. I just need to get out of here. But I can't... or you'll be stuck here."

"It's okay if you can't I can wai-"


The little music robot was thrown out of the vent as it tumbled on the floor. It was stretched and dented and seemed to power down.

"What the fuck?!" MXES whispered to my ear.

Blood dripped out of vent as we watched in horror as the culprit revealed itself to us.

"It's him!" Helpi and MXES said in unison.

"What?!" I looked at them and back at the robot from earlier.


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