Strange World

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My head was spinning. Everything hurt. I was in pain. I just wanted to go home now. I wanted to cuddle up in bed with my new plushies.
I coughed up some water and slowly stood up, groaning. My body was so sore. I looked up, my eyes spinning onto the sewer Monty. Curse you.
But seriously, what was that thing from earlier? It was... some creature. It attacked me and that was all I could feel before I passed out.
I coughed some more and felt around for my backpack.


I didn't have it. It was gone. I didn't have my backpack with me anymore. I'm gonna die without it. I don't know the layout of this place and I have no food on me! All there is to eat is moldy pizza! Ew!

"Damn it..." I sighed. "Guess I'll have to find some other way..."

I looked around. Where in the hell was I? There was crap everywhere.
Strangely enough, there was a little garbage tunnel that I could climb through. I got down on my knees and began to climb through, lowering my head to not hit myself against any edges. After what felt like an ungodly uncomfortable 5 minutes, I stood up and rubbed my knees of any dirt.

"HI! Free mask! Please take a mask!"

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I stared at it in anger. "Rude!"

"Take a mask. Take a mask."

"You sure...?"

The rabbit robot thing just stared at me, not saying anything else.

"Fine." I took the mask from it. "Thanks, appreciate it."

"Thank you! Please enjoy."

The mask was big, but not too big. It was some bunny and it was smiling with its huge ass teeth out. Not gonna lie, I'm impressed for teeth like that. It reminds me back when I was younger and my teeth looked similar.
The mask's eyes were red and piercing, its eyelashes sticking out. It was multi-colored with some grey and white.
I looked back up at the bot. He did some shaking before he powered off, I'm assuming.

"Weird." I stuck my mask onto my face.

"What is this?" I looked around the area I was in with the mask. It was like a whole other demension!

"This is so cool!"

Then, a weird purple and white bear appeared.

"Hello Cas-, who are you?" The bear said, questioning me.

"No, who are YOU?"

I was not going to give answers until this bear told me who he was.

"I'm Helpi! I'm just here to help whoever has access to V.A.N.N.I."


"Exactly. Virtual Augmented Neural Network Integration unit."

"What... what even is that?" What was this thing talking about?

I looked around at this... place. It seemed much different and weird the more I look at it. Then Helpi started to speak to me again.

"Since you're a new user, I will then pair you with the occipital transponder. Stay calm. This won't hurt a bit."

I felt a quick poke of something on my cheek.

"Ow! Jeez dude! You said it wouldn't hurt!"

"Hey! I'm just trying to help! I don't get to control how this Security Mask does it own job."

~Won't You Free Me?~ (SECURITY BREACH: RUINS The Entity X reader)Where stories live. Discover now