Roxanne's Life

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I couldn't hold it in anymore. The way Roxanne talked about the so-called Cassie, made me tear.

"We'll get her. Let's go, there's no time to waste." I stood.

Roxanne was standing in front of a broken-down vending machine, looking at all the snacks in it.

"Well, I can try to get them out for you."

"It's okay-"

"You're hungry aren't you? It wont hurt me to get this for you." Roxanne looked back at me before shaking the vending machine and causing it to shake.

The vending machine made an awful sound as it finally fell to the ground and shattered from the impact. Glass shards flew across the floor and electricity sparked from its wire. Honestly, I don't know how this place still has working power in some places. Roxanne moved her foot away from the vending machine and flipped it over. I never knew she was that strong, at all.

"Ungh!" Roxanne groaned as she dragged it out away from the glass so I could get whatever I needed out from it.

Unlike MXES, he didn't really put that much effort into doing all this to feed me. Poor guy, doesn't know how to treat a lady like me.

"There," Roxanne dusted off the debris from her hands. "Get whatever you'd like. Plenty of water and snacks with tons of preservatives."

"I bet they do have a lot. It's been what— seven years? I don't know. I forgot. I've been so focused and confused that I don't remember anymore."

"Do you remember what day you came here?" Roxanne asked, crossing her arms together.

"No, not really. I just know that it's near towards October or something like that."

"You should always keep notes with you, or some type of clock. It's very useful in places like this, you know." Roxanne tapped her wrist, mimicking a watch there.

"I know I know. I wasn't thinking clearly on everything I needed. I just wanted to explore and steal all the merchandise."

"Steal? You were stealing?"

I froze and the mood became awkward.

"Well, the place was abandoned so I thought it would've been nice if I came in and took some stuff..."

Roxanne let out a sigh before looking back up at me.

"I guess it isn't too wrong if it's not being used or sold anymore."


I walked over to the vending machine and looked all there was. There were stacks upon stacks of all types of chips and cookies. There were about 10 bottles of water here, which was an amazing amount. It took me a minute or two to shove them all in my bag, since I had to make room for them anyways. I had my plushies shoved onto their backs and pressed down hard, flattening them.
I turned to Roxy, who was watching me with that empty gaze.

"You want some?"

She looked at me, confused, but then accepted it.

"No, I'm alright Y/n. Thank you, but I can't eat, not in my condition."

I looked at her again. Indeed, she was too broken down to even put food down there. I wonder, how did they eat? Especially Chica. Did they have some bowl of acid in their system? Did it process it into extra power? I've got ideas... maybe whenever I attain Gregory's body, maybe— just maybe this will work...

"Alright then." I left one bag of cookies out for me to eat.

I stood up and put the bag back on before opening the bag of cookies and munching down on them. My mouth was wet and salivating as I savored the sweet taste.

"Like then?" Roxy looked at me with those crossed arms and swayed hips.

"Yeah, they're still very fresh too."

"I know that."


We stood there for a moment staring at each other as I ate. All there was to hear was the sound of crunching cookies.

"So, how was it like in the band?"

"Oh? The band? Hmm," Roxanne had to go put on her thinking cap. "Well, it was fun— Montgomery just made it really difficult to sleep sometimes."

She chuckled— or what seemed like chuckles, considering she sounded more rougher.

"Chica was a joy to be around. We were like best friends sometimes— sometimes we talked about each other. She often brought me some pizza if I was feeling down after a rough night on stage. We did each other's makeup and often helped out with Freddy and his bestie— yes including Monty. In fact, I helped Monty style up and pop out to the crowd. Every little boy loved him. He was seen as that aggressive and loud champ that would never stop talking about his muscles. He would always talk about workouts and calming sports— such as golf to relax your mind. Freddy? He was always hanging out with Bonnie and Chica. He seems to know them more personally. I never had a problem with it since I always had Cassie around. She wasn't always at the Plex, but when she was, she brightened my day by a hundred percent. I love her very much. Sometimes I think of her as my little sister. But I know that isn't possible."

"Hey, I'm sure she thinks of you as her older sister."

Roxanne had no emotion— until her head started to fill with green lines.

"Huh?!" I moved back and held tightly onto my mask.

As the green lines fully connected, I could see Roxanne's face. She seemed happy as her eyelids were lifted.

"What's wrong?" Roxanne then looked worried.

"Woah," I gazed at her with wonder. "I can see your face!"

"What?" Roxanne looked confused now.

"I can see your face now!"


"I'm not sure... maybe it's this mask I have on."


I approached her and finally realized that the rest of her body was fixed up with the green lines.

"I can see you whole. You're not broken."

"Well I'm still broken. But I'm happy you see the real me." She expressed happily.

"Me too." I smiled.

I reached my hand to her hair as I heard Roxanne growl.

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