Our chemical romance

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credits to wilbur simp (blissanon)


Wilbur's eyes widened as the glass vial hit the floor, the mysterious gas escaping and flooding the lab. He gasped against his own volition, covering his face with his labcoat's sleeve.

"Fuck!" He cursed, trying to get to a gas mask to put on. He'd ignored the safety protocols, opting to believe that he wouldn't be clumsy with the vials. This, apparently turned out to be false.

"Wilbur?" A muffled voice from the entrance to the lab called out. Fuck. It was (Y/N), his lab partner.

"Gas mask!" He shouted to you with a pleading undertone. You already donned one, so you left the room once more to retrieve a second for Wilbur. You run back into the room as quickly as possible, throwing the mask to Wilbur, who puts it on as quickly as possible.

"Wilbur, what happened?" You asked, shocked and disoriented. He shook his head.

"I dropped one of the vials and- and it exploded in this bright pink gas, and-" Wilbur swallowed, looking at you with widened eyes. "I think I inhaled some of it."

"Shit, do the vials have any labels on them? Warnings? Anything?" You asked, voice shaking with fear. Wilbur shook his head, obviously panicking just as much as you were.

"No, no they didn't. The binder is right there though, that should have information in it. I think." You lunged for the binder, flipping through the pages to find any explanation for what would occur in the next few moments.

"Oh." You stated flatly, reading the page that the vial's information was on. "Wilbur... I don't think you're going to like this..." you cringe underneath your gas mask, looking back up at the panicking man before you.

"Fuck! Am I going to fucking die? Sprout a third arm? Am I going to go insane?" Wilbur hyperventilates, gripping his chest. "Am I already insane!?" He panics, fear subsiding for a moment when you rest your hand on his shoulder.

"No, Wilbur, oh my god! You're fine! This is just a... minor inconvenience at best?" You try to force a smile. Wilbur isn't having it.

"Just- gah! Tell me! Please!" He begged, tears threatening to prick at the corners of his eyes.

"It's an aphrodisiac. It's meant to help people who have a low libido have an easier time having sex, but the effects for people who have a higher libido are... more pronounced..." you trailed off, noticing the look of both shock and confusion on his face. "Wilbur?"

"W-why would- what... what the fuck?" He stuttered, an obvious blush painting his face, even with a mask on.

"I need to know right now, do you have a high sex drive? Because if so, the next few actions we take will be very different," you state blankly. He was incredibly attractive, and you wouldn't be lying if you said you'd had a crush on him for a while. But that didn't make consent any less important.

"That's a- that's a very... invasive question?" He stammered, looking for an appropriate response, finding none. He was right, but you had to know. If not for scientific reasons, for his safety.

"Wilbur." He looked up at you with some genre of fear in his eyes, though you noticed that his pupils were slightly dilated. "Please?"

"I, well, I wouldn't say that I have a low... sex drive, per se. I- I am definitely not average, either," he admitted, almost silently, but you could hear him.

"So you have a high sex drive?" You asked to confirm his implications. He nodded subtly in response, looking away. "Okay... well... god this is a weird situation... uh..."

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