From the beginning (Dream/techno/sapnap)

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Credits to Pissslinger


287 days, 3 hours, and 44 minutes; That's how long I've been here in this stupid world. I miss things from the old world, like the way it felt to laugh with my friends and even fights with my family because it only makes me miss them even more, but the one thing that I think I miss most is the way I would argue with and make shitty jokes with my brother's friends, but here I have no one. I used to want to leave immediately and try to get out of here as soon as possible but now I think I don't mind being stuck here sometimes. But the shitty thing is that every day I find myself forgetting more and more of my old world. But that's okay because I never really had anything worth remembering there. My life is here now and I have everything that I'd ever need, but just not what I wanted. I wanted to be with someone that understands me and someone who knows about the situation I'm in. Someone human.

Don't get me wrong, the villagers are lovely but they don't understand how it feels to be taken from everything you've ever known. They know what it's like to be scared of the monsters that are out there, so I sometimes help the iron golem protect the villagers and in return, they gave me animals for a farm and books so I can learn more about how this world works. I quickly learned that I could respawn after I was attacked, but every time I die I seem to be more attached to this place than I was before. So far, I have died once, but I don't think I have many chances left. The scar I got from being killed by that thing the villagers called an enderman was going from the bottom of my ribcage to my hip, the color of it was purple, from being infected by the claws on the end of its lanky arms.

I don't have a cure for it, neither do the villagers, the leader told me about a group of people here that are human, like me, and that they might have the cure for infection. They gave me a map that had a white dot that was me and a green dot on it that showed where the leader of the group was, they called it a locator map. So that's where I'm currently heading off to because I don't want to die because of this stupid infection and because I need to see if it is true and if they are like me and may possibly have a cure. I can only hope for both.

My breath was heavy as I trudged through the snow and ice-filled tundra. it seemed to have no end and the map couldn't help when I could barely see due to the snowstorm around me. Even if someone else was around me, I doubt I would've been able to hear anything because of how the snow absorbs the sound. I stopped and thought about turning back but I saw a faint light up ahead, I had almost missed it too. I dragged myself to the light and discovered it was a cottage. It was weird to find it in the middle of nowhere, but right now I could hardly care. I walked up the stairs slowly, avoiding the chance of slipping on the ice, and I knocked on the spruce door. After waiting for a minute of no response, I went to open the door and found that it was, to my luck, unlocked.

"Hello? is anyone home?"I shut the door softly and waited for someone to pop up, but no one had. I stomped my boots on the mat in front of the door to avoid getting the floor messy. The cottage was warm and was taller on the inside than any house I've ever been in. It was almost as if the person living in it was huge. I slipped off my boots and set them by the door, making sure not to get my socks wet from the mat in the process. I started looking around and saw a lot of things like a picture of 4 people, one being some sort of pig hybrid, the other a man with wings, two humans. They looked like a family, almost happy except for the frowning blond child. next to the picture was a framed emerald, it obviously had some sort of sentimental value.

I turned away from the items that were on a small table next to a large armchair, something in the corner of my eye stopped me dead in my tracks. Before I had time to react to the pig hybrid, his sword was already on my neck and I was trapped between his large body and his black sword.

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