Sore loser

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Credits to nvmadic

What started as a friendly game of Mario Kart, very quickly devolved into an insult-throwing, competitive game of life and death. Had Schlatt known you were so adept at the game maybe he would have prepared himself, or even suggested a completely different game.

"Wow, what a fucking bitch you are," He grumbled monotonously, gone past the point of anger as he watched another green shell appear on his screen and overturn his digital avatar. Schlatt pinched at the bridge of his nose with an exasperated huff, "this isn't even fun anymore, you're just being an annoying little fuckwit." Throwing his controller down out of spite and onto the couch completely abandoning the match, he stood himself up with a groan. Hastily pausing the match with an agape mouth, slightly disappointed that he didn't want to play all the way through, "come on, you still have a chance to win," you claimed as you stifled your laughter, trying to entice him to sit back down and be throttled with another shell you had loaded in your arsenal.

"No, I've had enough," The overgrown child retorted before sipping down the remnants of water that had been sitting on the coffee table undisturbed for a few hours due to sheer concentration and determination to win a match on his behalf. Letting out a displeased grumble, you turned off the game and relaxed back into the couch as he turned to look down at you with an aggravated still expression. "Oh stop being such a sore loser," you lambasted him with a raised eyebrow. Admittedly his immature outbursts over the past few games had become grating as opposed to the amusing back-and-forth jabbing at each other that took place beforehand.

"I'm not being a sore loser, I just don't want to play with someone who is being such a fuckin' asshole." He stated adamantly, his anger refusing to settle and he refusing to admit that he was wrong, which was usually the case anyway.

"You're just being a whiny little bitch because you didn't get what you wanted," you admitted with a pause, "you just wanted to win so you could rub it in my face." In all honesty, you were really expecting him to retort back with another childish accusatory insult before he stormed off to calm himself down, but his expression remained and he stared vacantly at you as you could almost see the cogs turning inside of his head, and possibly cartoon-like steam expelling from his ears. "Is that right?" He asked with equanimity, though you could still see his brown eyes burning with annoyance.

Unhurriedly nodding your head with a simple hum, not knowing what you were getting yourself in for as he had never really had this demeanour before, but you had a feeling it was worth the risk. Schlatt silently mouthed the word wow , raising his eyebrows and emulating the shock and disapproval you were expecting but realistically he had you hook, line, and sinker. He wanted you to bite back.

He lowered himself down onto the couch, his gaze shifting from your top to bottom as he took you all in. Despite the silence, it was unbelievably tense in the room in the best way possible. The unpredictability of his next move was kind of pulse-raising, yet alluring. Overstated, almost as if you were flirting with death.

His fingers ardently dug into the waistband of your sweatpants as he tugged them fervently down past your knees, along with your underwear, past your ankles before aimlessly discarding them to the floor. A light shiver consumes your entire body as the cold air hit your bare skin. Still, without saying an entire word, he sank himself fully. His large hands grasped eagerly at your thighs, pulling you effortlessly in one motion so you were as close as he needed you to be. Schlatt's soft lips pressed against your pulsing clit, and as he did so you could feel his facial hair grazing the inside of your thighs. His tongue was timorous at first, his lips did most of the work. Pursing his lips on your clit as he excitedly sucked and occasionally used his teeth to delicately brush against it.

Schlatt's fingers would occasionally tighten around your thighs, his fingers pressing into your tender skin only indicating his arousal. Eventually, his tongue hesitantly caressed your sensitive node, making laps around it before skimming it once more. Satisfied hums left your mouth, hands buried in his long brown curls. You could feel him smile as he spurted out his hot breath amused by his actions and how you were now like putty in his hands. He continued to suck and lick as if he was parched and on the brink of death. His eyes would remain shut but he would periodically look up at you to see your flushed face, tightly shut eyes and pursed lips. You were only getting more vocal by the minute as he continued to hit all the right spots before abruptly pulling away without warning. Lustfully, he licked his lips and revelled in the contorted expression you attempted to conceal.

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