Behind closed doors

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Credits to nvmadic

For several days, Schlatt found refuge in your apartment while urgent maintenance work was underway in his own place. The relentless clamour of hammers and whirring drills disrupted his ability to record videos, prompting him to seek a tranquil space. Grateful for your understanding, he arrived with a sheepish smile and a few bags, apologizing for the inconvenience. He reassured you that he would make every effort to minimize noise and avoid disrupting your daily routine. Being the supportive friend you were, you gladly extended your help. And to your delight, he brought along his affectionate feline companions, who purred contentedly as they familiarized themselves with the new environment.

In the midst of limited space and an unfamiliar environment, Schlatt ingeniously pieced together a reasonably functional and efficient setup in your spare room. Rising early each day, he diligently recorded his videos, making the most of the resources at hand. When he wasn't occupied with errands or work during the mornings and afternoons, he relished the quieter evenings, savouring your company and engaging in late-night conversations over some takeout and games.

Utterly drained and overwhelmed, you slumped back in your chair, fixated on the incessantly flashing screen before you. Determined not to surrender, you had been locked in an infuriating battle with this level of the game that seemed to stretch on indefinitely. Repeatedly respawning at the same checkpoint, you were mercilessly taunted by the similar obstacles and enemies that stood in your path. Your fingers danced with well-practised precision, each button press a desperate attempt to forge a path forward, yet success eluded you. The patterns of each obstacle, the strategies of each enemy, and even the haunting sound of your virtual demise had been etched into your memory. Frustration mingled with weariness, your resolve teetering on the edge of collapse beneath the weight of continuous defeat.

Grasping the weighty controller in your hand, an internal battle waged within, torn between pressing the dreaded Respawn button once more or surrendering to seek out a mentally rejuvenating activity. Though the inclination to surrender loomed large, a flicker of determination flickered deep within your core. Refusing to admit defeat just yet, you delved into the recesses of your mind, desperately searching for a glimmer of hope. And then, as if struck by lightning, an epiphany illuminated your thoughts, flooding them with a burst of inspiration. Without a moment's hesitation, you sprang from your seat and made a beeline for Schlatt's temporary sanctuary. Imagining him facing the frustrations and setbacks that had tested your patience brought a mischievous smile to your lips.

As you approached the door, a pleasant surprise washed over you as you noticed it was slightly ajar. In the days prior, Schlatt had diligently worked behind closed doors, the firmly shut entrance serving as a clear indication that he needed uninterrupted focus. The sight of the slightly open door now hinted at the possibility of a break in his concentrated efforts, sparking curiosity within you.

Tentatively pushing open the door, your eyes immediately fell on a frantic and flustered Schlatt. Caught off guard by the scene before you, it was immediately evident that he wasn't simply working on his videos; a mix of surprise and arousal wash over you as you watch him pleasuring himself. His large hand eagerly rubbed at his shaft as he bucked his own hips in an attempt to thrust himself further into his tight grasp. His brows furrowed with concentration, the beads of sweat glistening on his forehead as his hand moved with fervour.

Intently watching the video on his monitor in front of him, he sat with his cock pulled over his shorts almost as if he was reacting on a lustrous impulse and immediately needed to alleviate himself of some built-up tension. His arm moved with hast and vigour, betraying a sense of desperation. Standing there, frozen in indecision, caught between two conflicting desires. Part of you just wanted to immediately divert your gaze and slowly creep out having pretended nothing had ever happened, but another part of you was intrigued. Unequivocally drawn to the possibility that the open door was an open invitation, a tacit acknowledgement of some unspoken tension that had emerged between you both.

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