Stressed Cat Boy

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Credits to orphan_account


George was panicking, the dishes this afternoon wasn't washed yet, the clothes he was assigned to fold was still there and it's a mess, then the floor is still all dirty! Most of the chores he was assigned to do wasn't done yet. He was so stressed, because— his Master is gonna be home any minute now and he still hasn't finished doing the chores.

George looks at the clock that's sticked to the wall, his eyes widened when he realized that any minutes from now... his Master is gonna walk in through the front door.

And he was right, George heard the door from the front door open and it indicated the fact that his Master is home.

George waddled to the front door and his tail was tense from the stress, then the next thing he knew is that he's stood in front of his Master.... Y/n.

She's the woman who took care of George after she adopted him, Y/n treated him nicely and George appreciated that, considering the Hybrids are treated really bad in this world. But Y/n treated him fairly, feeding him, buying him clothes, spoiling him.

Though George still works as a maid for her, whenever Y/n leaves for work, George is left lonely in the house with the chores he's assigned to do. George didn't really wanted to do the chores, but if he didn't... he'd get a punishment, that's what Y/n told him!


If he does the chores, he would get a reward!

There's lots of rewards, but George's favorite is when Y/n fucks him the way he likes it. Getting praised by her, getting his head pats from her, getting fucked in the ass with a strap from her, rewards that are so lewd and erotic is all he likes.

But since he didn't really finished doing the chores he was told to do, George was expecting a punishment... for the first time ever 'cause he was never punished before.

"Welcome back home, Master!" George tries to cover his stressed tone with a jolly one as Y/n gives him a smile.

"Thank you for welcoming me, my baby" After Y/n took off her shoes, she gave George a hug. George hugged her back, but his hands were shaky and Y/n noticed that.

It made her pull back from the hug with a worried look splayed on her face, she was looking into George's eyes and noticed they were getting teary.

"What's wrong, baby?" She asked him, her hands are on George's cheek and were comforting him.

"Master... I— I haven't finished the chores you.. told me to do!" And when those words came out of George's mouth, tears started to spill from the corner of his eyes.

Y/n looked down to George in awe, George is quite short from being a cat hybrid. George does really midm being short 'cause that means Y/n could look down on him, and George loves it.

"Awe... George, come here" Y/n gave George a hug, making George confused as he just hugs back.

"M— master? You're not angry with me...?" George hesitated to ask as Y/n pats his back.

"Well, I am quite disappointed, but... after seeing you cry like that, it's making me sad" Y/n pulled away from the hug, she started stroking George's ears and it made him instantly mewl.

"Y— you're too good for me, Master... nyah~" George shivered and meowed from Y/n's strokes to his ears, making Y/n grin.

"You've been... stressed, George. I think you'll need some relief, hm?" Y/n says as she dipped her head against George's neck, breathing against it before she started nibbling on his neck.

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