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credits to orphan_account


Quackity and M/n dated for a while. Not that any fans knew...but out of nowhere they began ignoring each other which concerned the fans since they were so close.

For a while Fans were devastated.

Then there was twitchcon, and people got sneak peak of the creators, M/n and Quackity were on there. Everyone went insane.

Wait wait so why did they break up?

They were on a call together and were arguing over something stupid.

"Right so this is why we should break up." M/n said making Quackity go quiet.

"Yeah. I guess we should." Quackity agreed before leaving the call.

They officially broke up.

Now they were acting sour towards each other and wanted to kill each other.

Fast forward to Twitch con. Once they arrived right off the bat they were keeping their distance. They came in a group with other people and began waving towards fans and taking pictures.

It was going good for a while. Then an activity was on, they were on separate teams and kept sending other team members to try and sabotage the other team.

They hadn't spoken but kept sharing glances. Soon it got dark and it was time to go back to the hotels. They said they're goodbyes and headed to their hotel rooms.

Now it wasn't only the fans that noticed this but so did some of the other friends. They were confused but also too nervous to bring it up to one of them.

So they did something else. Earlier they asked for Quackity's hotel room keys and hid them. So right now, Q was locked out of his hotel.

He scoffed and began asking some of the other guys for the keys or to even stay in their room. They all apologized and turned him down.

The only room left was M/n's. He went over and knocked on the door. Like a good 30 seconds later M/n opened.

"Can I help you" He said tiredly.

"I lost my hotel room keys.." Quackity said awkwardly.

"Thanks for telling me?" M/n said confused.

Quackity rolled his eyes and pushed past M/n into his hotel room. He got one of the pillows and threw it onto one of the couches.

"The hell?" M/n said closing his door.

"I wont bother you as long as you don't bother me."

"You're already bothering me with just barging into my hotel room.." M/n walked over to Quackity.

Quackity angrily got up and faced M/n.

"You think I want to be here!? In this room with you!??" He yelled.

"Don't raise your voice at me first of all" M/n said stepping closer to the shorter guy.

"You are so full of yourself it's disgusting. You're a little bitch you're all bark no bite" Quackity said with venom in his words.

"That's bold, you want me to bite?? Cause I will" M/n glared.

Quackity pushed M/n who grabbed Quackity by his shoulders and pinned him to his bed.

"Why are you trying to start something!?" Quackity spat.

"Me?? You're the one who barged in here calling me a pussy" M/n furrowed his eyebrows.

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