Forty Four

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Jennie's pov~

I heard there's something big going on tonight between Rosie and Jichu. I even helped a little with the decor-ra-ting? I'm not sure how to pronounce that word but anyways, Lili said I did great and even earned myself some headpats!

Oh to just lay in bed with Lili while she gives me unlimited headpats, that sure sounds nice...

Ugh! Enough with the day dreaming.
I need to concentrate. Yes, eyes on the road. Need to make sure Rosie and Jichu arrive on time so I could inform Lili.

I squatted behind a big bush with only my head slightly visible. I scan the road, left and right. Hehe I'm like a ninja! But instead of a dark suit, I have on Lili's favourite hoodie and black cycling shorts. They're very comfortable and the hoodie smells like her. The only downside is, I'm getting loads of mosquito bites on my legs.

I guess the mosquitoes really like the taste of my blood. But I hate it, it taste like metal.

As my eyes scan the road, I reach down to scratch my ankle. There's another bump again! Stupid bugs.

"so itchyyy" I whined and look down at the bite. I think I better stop before blood starts coming out.

"what're we doing here, babe?"

"Just wait chae, it's a surprise"

My head shot up as I hear voices approaching. My eyes widened when I recognised them.

It's Rosie and Jichu!

I quickly jumped from my place behind the bush and scurried off to where Lili is.

"Lili!" I wave my arms frantically.

She noticed me and chuckled "Yes nini— what happened to your legs?!" she dropped to her knees and examine the mosquito bites.

"Nevermind that! Jichu and Rosie are coming! I saw them"

"Oh shit" she stood up and told everyone to hide and wait for the couple's arrival.

Lili grab hold of my hand and drag us to a grove, we hid behind the leaves and branches. It's quite dark, I don't think they can spot us. I saw the others hiding in big bushes and trees too.

"where are they?" Lili uttered quietly.

I shrugged, leaning closer to Lili and grasped onto her left arm. I'm trying my best not to lean down and relieve the itchiness of my legs. If I move too much, we might get caught.

"W-what's all this, Jisooyah?"

I gasped lightly and peek through the leaves.


Third person pov~

Jisoo smiled nervously, busy fidgeting with her fingers "Do you like it?"

"I love it, babe! It looks amazing. I do hope there's going to be lots of food though" Rosé squealed, her eyes lid up at the thought.

"Ofcourse! All your favourites too" Jisoo sighed in relief and like a gentlewoman she is, pulled the chair out for her girlfriend.

Being the softhearted tall bean rosé is, she couldn't help but tear up as she took in her surroundings. The decorations and fairy lights being baby pink and light blue, her two favourite colors. She could hear birds chirping from above and near the trees. She could feel the wind against her warm fair skin and red-hair. The atmosphere around her was serene. She felt at peace, more so with her soon-to-be fiancé.

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