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                                                    Dedicated to AryashreeSantosh

                            For asking me to write with all my heart for one last time :)

                                  Mild spoiler: One of the best scenes in the novel. 


I paced restlessly around the room, my mind a whirlwind of thoughts, memories, and the words that had just been spoken. The news had hit me like a tidal wave, threatening to engulf everything I held dear.

We had returned to Bangalore, seeking guidance from the doctors in Bhopal who had recommended the renowned oncologist Dr Rajeev Kapoor. Now, here we were, in the dimly lit cabin, facing the man whose reputation was synonymous with medical excellence.

Dr Kapoor's eyes met mine with a blend of compassion and resolve. He had delivered this news countless times, yet his dedication to each patient was unwavering. The room felt stifling, suffocating even, as I struggled to comprehend the gravity of what lay ahead.

"Sahil," his voice broke through my reverie, grounding me in the present moment, "I understand this is a lot to process. Ayesha's condition is complex, but we have seen remarkable advancements in medical science."

I nodded, my throat constricting with a mixture of fear and determination. Ayesha's radiant smile flashed before my eyes, making the situation almost surreal. Dr Kapoor's words were meant to provide hope, but the stark reality of the problem was impossible to ignore.

As he explained the potential treatment options and the comprehensive care plan they would devise, I found my gaze drifting toward the window. The city outside moved at its own pace, oblivious to the storm within these walls. The honking horns, the distant chatter, the rhythm of life—it was all a stark contrast to the hushed seriousness of the cabin.

"Thank you, Doctor," I finally managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper. With a heavy heart, I stood up, my legs feeling unsteady.



I waited for Sahil to return anxiously. The hospital corridors seemed to stretch endlessly as I paced back and forth, each passing second feeling like an eternity. My heart raced in tandem with my footsteps, a maelstrom of worry and hope churning within me.

And then, like a fleeting whisper, I heard the soft thud of approaching footsteps. I whipped around, my eyes instantly locking onto Sahil's figure. He walked towards me, his shoulders hunched and his gaze fixed on the floor, lost in his thoughts. Evidently, the weight of the situation had settled heavily upon him.

"Sahil," I called out, my voice a mixture of relief and concern.

At the sound of my voice, his demeanour shifted. The weariness in his eyes seemed to momentarily lift, replaced by a mixture of surprise and a glimmer of reassurance. He looked up, and our eyes met, a silent exchange of emotions passing between us.

At that moment, everything else faded into the background. The sterile hospital surroundings, the looming uncertainty, it all seemed to blur away as we stood there, connected by an unspoken understanding. I took a hesitant step forward, my heart pounding with anticipation and the need to offer support.

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