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I gave a tired smile to the girl who was sitting before me.

Kavi Di had returned from Athens after a two month whole touring to expand the company. She signed international contracts and has succeeded in securing clients from abroad. Also, in some countries, she befriended individual lower companies and had managed to secure a position in those countries, where our company will be promoted globally.

I listened amusedly yet tiredly, drinking coffee, as she explained her motive and her aspirations, which she further wished to continue for the company.

"I guess I am boring you, " she stopped abruptly,

"You are, " I agreed, grinning.

"Okay..." She smiled sheepishly, "Let's fast forward to some exciting thing, then, shall we?"

"All right?" I narrowed my eyes suspiciously as she searched something in her bag. Sighing, she drew out a white envelope and pushed it towards me. "This is something for you, "

"Di! You could have told me directly, what was the need for a letter and all?" I hankered, unfolding the neatly folded opening. "We live in the 21st cent-" I froze as my fingers withdrew a cheque from the envelope.

A bank cheque in my name, with a large denomination, vast enough that I could spend my entire life counting the money, and down, signed by Kavita Di.

"What is this, Di?" I asked, looking at her.

"Your share, " she smiled, "The company made huge profits last two months and here is your share. It's 75% yours and 25% mine. "

"I don't want this, " I said plainly, shoving the cheque back to the envelope and pushing it towards her, across the dining table.

"No, I am not taking no for an answer, " she said firmly, pushing it back to me.

"Di, " I tried injecting some sense to her, "I make nearly 2.5 lakhs per month, and I have sufficient amount for my expenses, at this point. And I don't need any more money."

"I know, Ayesha. But the company is yours-"

"Ours, " I corrected stubbornly. " You're making it sound as if I am a huge employer and you're an employee working under me, " I said, again pushing the envelope to her.

"It is something like that, " she smiled, pushing back the envelope to me.

"No, it's not!" I snapped, " You earned this, alright? So, you keep it! It's not mine."

"You'll need this in future, Ayesha," she said firmly, "And regarding the company; it's Mehra Infrastructures; meaning it's yours- okay, ours. But it's yours; you get me?"

"No, " I shook my head, "I don't get you. I have told you before the company isn't mine, it's ours; more precise; it's as much yours as it is mine."

"Okay, we'll delineate it some other time; but for now, this is yours, " she said, pushing back the envelope across the table.

"Di, I am definitely not taking it. " I say resolutely, "You can keep it as your reserve fund or some other fund-"

"Funds! Do you think I have graduated from Standford without knowing about the funds? " she asked incredulously, "Ayesha, the company has more than needed funds, for the time being, it doesn't need any more. "

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