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I watched the pretty girl, who was staring at the vacant road for a long time, though the rearview mirror, and then giving an amused laugh, I watched her stand there like a statue, still and tall, before turning away from the road.

I came to an abrupt stop and stood there waiting. A minute passed, two, and then, ten minutes, but I continued to wait patiently.

I gave a satisfied sigh; once I saw the lights of the biggest mansion of Andheri switch on and the silhouette of a beautiful girl, hastily drawing the curtains.

Turning on the ignition, I drove away, an amused and a happy smile plastered on my face.


Switching on the lights of my house, I walked ahead, straight to the kitchen. Pausing no more, I opened the fridge and brought out a big vessel.

Having no further thoughts, I went straight to the oven and placed the container inside and turned on the switch.

As the vessel took time to heat, I brought out another large plate, from the fridge, which was neatly decked and covered with another plate.

Hastening to open the plate, I smile for the umpteenth time as I see carrots and cucumber slices, arranged in the pattern of 'I am sorry, Sahil. '

Taking hold of the stick note that stuck on the plate, I read the neat rounded and cursive handwriting;

I am really Sorry, Sahil. I know I shouldn't have said like that. Whatever I said was wrong and a big lie. You know I am a lousy liar, right? So, why don't you believe this lie? I swear, I never meant whatever I said. Please forgive me. :((

Giving a satiated smile, I turned the page, and my breath hitched in my throat. What I saw was entirely unanticipated.

Written down were seven lines, each containing the same words, in rounded and cursive handwriting.

I love you, Sahil.
I love you, Sahil.
I love you, Sahil.
I love you, Sahil.
I love you, Sahil.
I love you, Sahil.
I love you, Sahil.

You made me promise to tell them every day without skipping! And see? I kept my promise! Seven lines for the seven days!

I smiled at the gesture. I was certain Ayesha would have debated regarding this a thousand times before doing so, thinking it would be extremely childish and foolish; I knew her so well! She definitely would have thought a thousand times before doing so!

I chuckled and took a piece of carrot, placing it between my teeth. Biting it firmly, I began to chew the vegetable, making sure to churn it properly! I loved carrots and cucumbers. But for the first time today, I didn't feel it that tasty or good.

How would it?

The note in front of the chopped carrots was like a dewdrop in front of an ocean!

I retake hold of the note and read it, my eyes lingering on the sentences more than it should; the smile refusing to drop from my face.

The Ruined RainbowWhere stories live. Discover now