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"Is that why you aren't wearing my earrings?" He asked swiftly,

An abrupt pause is felt as I feel his brown-black eyes stare at me with such intensity and severity, that for a frightening second; I almost felt like Sahil read my brain.

"No-No!" I instantly defied and added wildly, "I just got a small rash by wearing the earring so tightly for so many days. "

"You shouldn't lie to me, Ayesha, " he said dangerously. "If you don't want me to force the truth out of you. "

My cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. I lowered my eyes, looking down. I felt his warm hands grab my pallid face and force me to meet his inculcating stare.

"Why do I feel you seem different... Eerily different, from the time I returned? Is something troubling you, Ayesha?" He asked, pondering over my features, carefully.

"N-no, Sahil."

"You can't be this scared of a nightmare," he seemed to gauge more to himself, "Tell me the truth! What's troubling you and why do you look so scared?" He demanded?

"Its nothing at all, Sahil! " I squeak, "Just stupid dreams have gotten to my head. " I try to chuckle foolishly but got unsuccessful.

"Ayesha." He warned.

And I look up to meet his swirling brown eyes. Cupping my cheeks, he prompted tenderly, "Tell me. "

I felt powerlessly defenceless at this. I looked away, unwillingly, fixing my eyes to one of the walls in the terrace, trying my best to prevent tears falling down my cheek.

"Its something related to the nightmare..." I began, half-honestly, "I saw terrible things."

"What did you see?" He asked gently,

"That there was this storm... And it was scary... The thunder, lightning, winds... And a storm of dust... And all of a sudden; I was taken away from you, " I said, sounding foolishly childish as soon as I uttered those words. I closed my eyes, ready to hear any sound of mockery or accusations of lies.

But all I felt was thick hands grab my waist and hug me fiercely.

"I should have been here for you, " he said, stroking my curls as I clamped my eyes shut even tighter, tears falling like a waterfall. I knew that Sahil knew I wasn't telling the entire truth, but I was grateful to the fact that he wasn't pressing further on it. "You won't get such dreams again, " he reassured.

"Because it's going to happen in reality,  " I mulled to myself, as a new set of fresh tears seared in my eyes, brimming with an unspoken warning. Nevertheless, I nodded stiffly.

We stayed like that till I detached my hands from around him, and tucked back flying strands of hair. I gave a half-hearted smile and brushed the dampness of my cheeks away.

"So... You're 23!" Sahil exclaimed, changing the subject, and I am immensely grateful for him for the topic-change.


"You're growing fast Ayesha..." He teased, "Soon, you'll match my age, " he joked boyishly. "In three years, you'll be 26!" He said dramatically, placing a hand over his heart.

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