Chapter Two

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 I'd really like to say that my ride to school was uneventful, but sadly, that was not the case. In fact, if I could pinpoint the moment that my life completely changed, it would be this drive to school. I should've known the universe wouldn't  take a break from ruining my life.

I stomped on the car break, screeching to a halt two inches in front of the stupid idiot who thought that jogging into the middle of the street without looking both ways was a good idea. Ladies and gentlemen, America's new favorite nincompoop.

I rolled down my window as he made his way over to the car.

"Hey, what the hell was that?! Were you trying to kill me or something?" he shouted.

"First of all asshole, don't talk to me like that. Second of all, you're the one who got in my way. What kind of idiot doesn't watch where they're going?" I snapped, gritting my teeth. This guy was a piece of work.

"You're so supposed to yield to pedestrians!"

"Yeah well, you're supposed to look both ways before crossing. It looks like you, Mr. Hypocrite, don't follow the rules either. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd really like to go to school now. 6 hours of hell sounds more pleasing than this conversation."

He responded with a baffled look on his face, "You're freaking crazy, you know that?"

I chuckled bitterly, "You must be new to town." "What does that have to do with anything?" he asked.

"Because, pretty boy, if you weren't new you would know the exact answer to your question," I said smirking. I step on the gas pedal, driving away from mystery boy before he could respond.

I couldn't get the image of his confused face out of my mind. He was understandably confused, but his bright, green eyes had a spark of curiosity in them, something I didn't see often considering most people couldn't look me in the eyes.

I shook myself out of my thoughts. I have to stop thinking of him. He's just some stupid guy I will never see again.

 Never say never.

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