Chapter Nine

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Thea's P.O.V.

Have you ever walked into a room or place where everyone goes silent and stares at you like you're an alien? No? Well, consider yourself lucky. I wouldn't even wish this upon my worst enemy; it's just so freaking uncomfortable. But did I show how uncomfortable I felt? Abso-fucking-lutely not.

Leaving Nicolai behind, I confidently strutted past the hoards of hyenas staring at me on the front steps. It didn't stop there though. As I walked into school, the silent epidemic continued; teachers, students, and even the PTA parents were watching my every move. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. These people are pathetic. Mariah Carey's Obsessed came to mind as I walked to my locker; why you so obsessed with me?

Finally making it to my locker, I was able to shield my face from the curious eyes. Nicolai came out of nowhere as I was getting my first period books and leaned against the locker next to mine. "Couldn't wait to get inside, could ya?" I gave him a deadpanned look. And then he started laughing. I swear he finds my discomfort entertaining. I slammed my locker shut and proceeded to walk to my first class. Nicolai caught up once he stopped laughing at my misfortune. Sliding his arm around my shoulder, he leaned down and whispered right in my ear," Aww don't be mad Thea, I just like watching you get all mad and irritated. It's adorable." He was freaking teasing me the stupid bastard. I looked up at him and gave him a mischievous smile as I craned my head up to whisper in his ear," Then I'm about to get real fucking adorable," I said in a sarcastic voice. And then I elbowed him hard in the ribcage. His arm fell off of my shoulders as he groaned and bent over.

I left him there groaning and cursing me out. I only made it halfway down the hallway when I turned around and made eye contact with Nicolai.

"Am I still adorable, Nico?" I asked patronizingly. Seeing his scowl, I let out a wide grin and blew him a kiss. "See ya later, Pretty Boy!"

For the rest of the day, I couldn't keep the smirk off my face. That'll teach him to tease the Ice Queen.

Nicolai's P.O.V.

"Dude, I saw you walking in with Thea. What's up with that, you guys together or something?" Jake asked sliding his seat over next to mine, that way Mrs. Roberts wouldn't hear us. Thank god, Jake's in Calculus with me. I need a break from solving stupid Calculus problems and talk about the one person I can't get off my mind.

"Nah man, we're just friends," I whispered. He gave me an incredulous look. "Nicolai, I don't know what planet you're from, but Thea Crystal doesn't have friends, at least not since freshmen year. How are you friends? It just doesn't make sense. She hasn't talked and been friends with anyone at our school until you came along. What's so special about you?"

"What's special about me is I don't stare at her like she's some kind of freak, which she isn't by the way. She's not even that scary. Actually she's quite amusing, especially when she's mad. But anyway, I treat her like I would anyone else, not like the Ice Queen. Plus, I made the effort to be her friend. I didn't stop pushing to be her friend even when she said no. Eventually, she just gave in. The bottom line is I don't treat her like a disease or a broken toy and I didn't give up on her. That's what makes me special." I took a breather, realizing I just blurted everything out in one breath. Seeing Jake's astounded face, I think I made a pretty good, valid argument. I suddenly had the urge to point my finger and him and yell, "I'm more special than you hahahahaha", but that would be very immature so I'll just do it in my head.

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