Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Hello my fellow human beings and friends! In honor of reaching 1k (thank you for this honor), I decided it was about time to post this chapter. I dedicate this chapter to marienggles. Each chapter from now on, I will dedicate to a lovely supporter of mine. This chapter will be an emotional one, but I hope you will still enjoy it. Let me know what you think in the comments below, because I love hearing your input. Thank you for reading! :)


"They laid together all night. His arms wrapped around her, a shield from the dangers of the night. Memories brought back to life while she slept. He knew he couldn't fight her demons, but he could always be there when she woke up." ~Jessica Michelle


Thea's P.O.V.

I walked home in the pouring rain on Saturday.

It didn't matter that the pounding water droplets soaked my favorite leather jacket and tangled my frizzy, curled hair. It didn't matter that I had to walk ten blocks to get home and that by the time I reached my house, I was soaked to the bone, cold and wet. It didn't matter that when I got into the shower, I ended up not showering and just sitting in the tub, hugging my knees as the hot water scorched my skin. It didn't matter that I didn't sleep that night and came out looking like a zombie the next day. It didn't matter that I spent all day Sunday in bed, staring blankly at my bedroom wall. It didn't matter that I didn't eat since Saturday.

None of that mattered. I wasn't important in this situation.

He mattered.

I was too selfish and blind to realize how much I needed him in my life. I lost the one person who probably understood me the most.

I didn't have time to pity myself or blame myself. I knew what I did was wrong.

I needed to make it right again.

But how could I do that, when it was my past that was the solution?


As I walked through the hallways on Monday, I couldn't help but noticed the admiring gazes my classmates gave me. They were still in awe of Nicolai and I dancing on Saturday. They worshipped me now.

It made me sick to my stomach.

If they knew how I treated him that night and what really went down after the dance, they wouldn't be looking at me like that. They would be shooting icy glares instead, spitting horrid words at me.

And I would've taken it.

Because that's what I deserve.

I opened my locker door and grabbed my first period books. As I turned to head down to my classroom, I caught a pair of familiar green eyes. My breath caught in my throat, as my heart pounded.

He just blinked at me emotionlessly and turned away, releasing me from the heated gaze.

My heart dropped into my stomach. It felt like my throat was closing up. I couldn't breathe.

He hated me.

I had to get out of here.

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