Chapter Three

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Third Person P.O.V

By the time Thea entered school, she was frustrated and in an even worse mood than before. School was definitely going to be a pain in the butt.

As she walked down the hallway, her black, laced-up combat boots pounded on the ground. She stared straight forward with cold, blank eyes almost daring anyone to approach her or even look at her. She was the Ice Queen; she was unapproachable.

But just because no one looked her in the eyes didn't mean they didn't look at her. She was Fairview High's greatest mystery. Everyone was curious about her, even if they wouldn't admit it.

They all watched her, silently, as she made her way to her locker, her eyes focused and confident.

Thea hated the attention she got. She couldn't blame them-she would be confused too if a classmate she knew changed dramatically-but she hated their attention. She knew they were curious in a sense that they wanted to know what happened to her, not cause they actually cared. This is high school, no one gives a shit about you unless you're the juicy topic of the week.

Getting out her Chemistry book, Thea shut the door and proceeded to stalk away from the hyenas, drooling for information.

They do this every year on the first day. It's like a national holiday for them. "Wow, it's the first day of school! You know what that means? Let's stare at Thea because she's a freak!" They make me want to barf. All they care about is gossip. God, I can't wait to get out of this hellhole. Just the same stupid, boring shit. Will this ever--"

Thea was knocked back from her thoughts as she was literally bulldozed over by a neanderthal. As if life couldn't get any worse, her books and papers flew everywhere in a hurricane of chemistry notes.

"Dear Lord, please help me not punch someone this early in the school year. I'd rather not get a detention on the first day," she thought.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going and I'm new and kinda lost and is it normal for girls to be looking at me like I'm an alien or something because you're kinda doing it right now and-"

"Please shut the hell up. God, do you realize how bad you ramble. Just go to the main office down the hall if you need directions," Thea said, brushing off her pants and picking up her stuff.

Finally looking up, Thea and her attacker realized just who they bumped into.

"Oh shit," they said, shocked looks on their faces.

"You have got to be kidding me! It would be you that would further continue to ruin my day. I mean first you can't even look both ways as you cross the street and now you don't watch where you're walking in the hallways. Do you ever put your eyes to use or are you just trying to imitate Helen Keller?" Thea snapped. This guy is like the freaking bubonic plague.

"Are you always this bitchy or is it just your time of the month?" he sassed back.

"Oh bite me, you prick." At this point, Thea was seriously debating the pros and cons of detention and so far, the pros seemed worth it.

"Actually my name's Nicolai. I thought you should at least know my name before any biting happens," he said, sending Thea a cocky wink and flashing a charming smile." What a flirt; too bad, it didn't work on Thea.

He is unbelievable.

"Did that bump make you lose all your brain cells or are you just naturally this stupid?" Thea countered.

Not that either of them noticed, but the students crowded around them watching the scene. After all, this was the first time since freshmen year Thea actually talked to another student.

"Why do you act like this?" Nicolai questioned. "You're a total bitch."

To everyone's surprise, Thea calmed down almost instantaneously, any annoyed emotion wiped from her face. Her mouth curved into a wide, unnerving smile. Her smile was more terrifying than her frown; it radiated mischief and trouble. It was only Nicolai who noticed how the malice she tried to portray didn't reach her eyes. He could see the hint of sadness in her dark eyes; his words had affected her. Nicolai's curiosity sparked. "There's a lot more to this girl than meets the eye," he thought.

After what seemed like hours of silence, Thea finally spoke.

"Because it's fun."

A mischievous smirk was plastered on her face. She then proceeded to walk away from him and their audience, hips swinging and boots pounding. Nicolai stood speechless. For the second time that day, mystery girl left him baffled. His curiosity increased. "I'm going to figure her out," Nicolai thought.

"Challenge accepted, mystery girl."

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