Chapter Forty-Five

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"Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful." ~Joshua J. Marine


Thea's P.O.V

"So, I know you told me you were going to do this your way, but what are you gonna do about your father, Nicolai?" I asked, the grass tickling the soles of my feet as I swayed on the playground swing.

We were back on the playground, swinging on the swings like little kids at 6am, waiting for the sun to rise. There was a peaceful feel to the area, the kind where you're the only one awake while the whole world is asleep. Even a sunrise becomes magical.

And here we were talking about such serious matters at a time where most people are off in dreamland.

He sighed, kicking the dirt lightly as he swung. 

"I don't know yet, Thea. It's just...everything's so complicated,"he faltered, looking at the light sky for answers, for a solution.

"Maybe you should start by filing a report with the police," I suggested tentatively. Seeing his face twist in uncertainty, I gripped his arm, making him look at me.

"Nicolai, he assaulted your grandmother," I spoke slowly, emphasizing the severity of the situation. "He can't just go free. He has to pay."

Nicolai looked at me, his eyes filling up with tears. His mouth quivered slightly.

"I know, I'm just...scared," he whispered softly, voice cracking at the end.

My heart broke and I reached over to pull him into a hug. I could feel his tears leaking onto my jacket. I reached up to stroke his hair softly.

These mountains we have to carry sometimes can crush our spirit.


I watched myself in the mirror as my grey, silk halter top glistened under the lights. It was a nice touch under my usual leather jacket and ripped jeans.

I sighed, pulling at the curls in my hair.

It was New Years' Eve and I was attending Megan's family's annual party for the first time in three years.

I was beyond nervous. I didn't know what she told her parents when our friendship fell apart. If she told them the truth, then they definitely do not like me.

I let out a deep shaky breath, letting my nerves go.

It's time to face your past, Thea.

Stop running.

"Thea, are you ready?" Nicolai called from downstairs. 

"Yeah, I'll be down in a sec," I answered, taking one last look in the mirror. Pounding down the stairs in my black high-heeled boots, I rounded the corner and saw my boy, standing there wearing a light grey button down and black jeans.

I stopped at the bottom of the stairs, arms crossed.

"People are gonna think we purposely matched our outfits, Nicolai," I remarked, my mouth slowly turning into a smirk.

He flashed me a cheeky grin, before placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Don't worry, I'll just tell them you copied my outfit," he teased, flicking my nose.

I scoffed playfully, slapping his arm. Which turned into a play fight.

Which turned into me being thrown over his shoulder.

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