Chapter Twenty

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Thank you for the 300+ reads, as well as your supportive comments and wonderful votes! I really appreciate the support and love you guys have given the story. It honestly makes my day when someone comments or votes. Please don't be a silent reader and tell me what you think! I accept constructive criticism. I hope the last chapter gave you a good insight on just how cold and unfeeling Thea was and how difficult and serious this change of heart she's having now is. Hopefully, you'll enjoy this chapter and if you do, let me know! Enjoy! :)


Thea's P.O.V.

I was surrounded by darkness. I couldn't feel or see anything and yet, I knew I was alive.

There was some unclear noise that reached my ears. I desperately focused on the noise, trying to make sense of my situation. The fuzzy sounds eventually cleared and I realized it was voices that I was hearing. I recognized one voice as my mother's, but I couldn't figure out who she was talking to.

I tried opening my eyes, but my struggle was pointless. I was temporarily stuck in this paralyzing darkness. So, I opted to listen in to my mother's conversation.

"......caused this?" My mother's voice was anxious and worried. I could imagine the worry lines and frown that were plastered on her face right now.

"Ma'am, your daughter suffered a panic attack, most likely from stress and anxiety. There could be a multitude of reasons that could've brought on this behavior," the mystery person responded. I'm guessing it's a doctor, a male one judging by the pitch of the voice. I strained to hear the conversation. It felt like I was underwater; their words were garbled and it took a lot of concentration to understand what I was hearing.

"You don't understand," my mother snapped, her irritation spiking. "This has happened before. Two years ago, Thea would get panic attacks from seeing or remembering something almost every night. She would just seize up and start shaking and crying. Nothing could calm her down. Sometimes she would even scream like she was being murdered or something. And then she would pass out. It would terrify me, seeing her like that." I could hear the fear in my mother's voice. She was really terrified for me.

There was a short pause before the doctor answered.

"So what you're saying is, you think this panic attack is connected to those past ones?"

"Well, you're the damn doctor, you tell me." I internally smiled. Man, I missed my mom's sassiness.

The doctor cleared his throat, annoyed probably. "From what you've said, I would assume that this attack is similar to the other ones. However, if that is the case, there's not much we can do. Thea seems to have undergone some type of trauma which when something reminds her of it, she panics. If you want my advice, I would recommend having her see a therapist. Maybe talking about whatever happened would cease the attacks."

I heard the doctor politely excuse himself. His footsteps thumped down the hallway, as he left probably to go give a diagnosis somewhere else.

I heard quiet, light footsteps walk closer to where I was presumably lying. I felt a gentle hand caress my forehead. I could tell by the honeysuckle scent that it was my mother.

"Thea, please wake up. Please..," she whispered, desperately.

I felt a sudden burst of air rush into my lungs. I tried opening my eyes and succeeded. I blinked rapidly, growing accustomed to the bright lights and scenery of the room.

When my vision finally focused properly, I saw my mother's concerned face fill with relief.

She attacked me with a fierce hug. "Thank god, you're ok. I was so worried."

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