Chapter Fifteen

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"I'm so afraid of losing something I love that I refuse to love anything." ~Anonymous


Thea's P.O.V.

My foot tapped impatiently as I stared at the clock waiting for class to be over to chew Nicolai up.

5...4...3...2...1 BRRINNNGG. I let out the breath that I didn't even know I was holding and turned around to give Nicolai an evil smile.

Boy better be scared.

But he wasn't. He took his damn time putting his books in his bag, giving me an obnoxious smile in return.

Giving him a pointed glare, I waited by the door for him.

Finally, he managed to trudge himself over. " Why the glare, Thea? Someone tried to talk to you?" His eyes glinted with humor, his mouth forming a teasing smile.

I smacked his chest. "Why didn't you tell me you were in my class?" I kept smacking him while continuing to interrogate him.

"What kind of game are you playing? You knew you were in this class and just didn't bother to tell me! Who does that? Especially since we're supposed to be friends! Why are you being such a sucky pers--"

"Hey, madwoman!" He yelled grabbing both my hands to stop me from hitting him any further. "Enough with the hitting! What the hell is wrong with you?! I didn't think it was a big deal to tell you 'cause I assumed you knew and were just ignoring me. I thought you didn't want to interact in public." His face was contorted into a confused and slightly horrified expression at my outburst.

My hands went limp in his grip, as what he said sunk in.

Did he really think I was so bitchy that I wouldn't be "caught dead" talking to him. I thought I made it clear that I ignore the obvious attention we attract. I wouldn't ignore my friend.

I ripped my hands from his grasp," I'm not so petty to actually ignore someone that I promised I would be a friend to. I may be a lot of things, but I'm not a liar or evil. I don't go back on my word." My irritation was slowly building. I was glaring so hard, it felt like I was squinting.

His gaze softened as he reached out to touch me," Hey I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that I thought you didn't want more unwanted attention. So that's why I stayed out of your way. I thought that's what you wanted." He gave me a sheepish grin, his hand coming up to ruffle his hair awkwardly.

I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck. I looked up at him with the sincerest look I could manage.

"Well that's not what I want. I can handle these bunch of idiots. So don't go out of your way to stay away. We're friends and we need to act like it."

I added with a smirk," Plus if you can walk into my bedroom and stalk me like a creep without repercussions, I think you can talk to me in the hallway without having to worry that I'll drop kick you."

Nicolai started laughing and grinned down at me. "Ok, I think I can handle that."

I returned his smile.

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