Chapter Forty-Three

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Did you miss me? Sorry for the short chapter, this is just supposed to be a filler one to catch everyone up to speed. The next couple are going to be more interesting. Thanks for sticking with my story. Comment/vote/share if you like, it would be very much appreciated. :)
"On the difficult days, when the world's on your shoulders, remember that diamonds are made under the weight of mountains." ~Beau Taplin

Thea's P.O.V

The sun blinded me as I drove, purple bags imprinted under my eyes. I was up all night thanks to the memories of my past. I was just hoping Nicolai wouldn't notice since I didn't have time to put on makeup before he called me to come over.

I sighed, pulling into the hospital's parking lot. I stared up at the building silently.

I hate you.

You're filled with death and hopelessness.

This place holds a piece of me, lost in the past. I will never rid myself of those memories or the haunting of this place. 

It was here that I broke. And it was after leaving here that I stayed broken.

And now I'm back and it's taking everything in me not to break again. So, I'll hold on. For him.

I slammed the car door and trudged to the front entrance, stepping through the sliding doors. My eyes scanned the waiting room area in search of Nicolai. I could feel sweat on my palms and my heart quickening. Nausea gripped my stomach.

Breathe, Thea. 

And just like that, I calmed down. There he was, striding towards me, matching purple bags until those familiar green eyes. He was still in last night's clothes with his hair looking like a bird's nest. 

I smiled gently as he reached me finally, pulling me into a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around his frame, breathing in his familiar scent.

"How are you," I whispered, against his neck. Nicolai took a deep breath and pulled back from the hug. His eyes were muddled with fog as if you could see all the stress and worry reflected within him. He laid his hand gently on my cheek, smiling weakly.

"I'm surviving," he sighed. "Just worried and tired. Did you get any sleep? It doesn't look it." He flashed me that knowing look.

"No, but neither did you," I retorted. "Anyway, how's your grandma doing?"

Nicolai's hand fell from my face and grabbed my hand instead. He pulled me over to the plastic chairs that lined the wall. I sat down, staring at him expectantly. 

"She's fine, Thea. She woke up this morning," he said, a light shining through the fog in his eyes. "I talked to her and she's just fine, a little banged up, but she'll live. They're running tests on her right now."

"Nicolai, that's great,"I sighed with relief, squeezing his hand. "She's gonna be alright. Everything's gonna be alright."

He smiled shortly, but remained on edge. 

My stomach twisted with anxiety. Something was wrong.

"Nicolai," I whispered, gripping his hand more tightly. "Please tell me that everything is alright."

He didn't meet my eyes. 

I let go of his hand, slumping back in my chair. I closed my eyes and prayed. For something better, anything better.

"He did it, Thea."

I opened my eyes, looking at him confused.

"Who did what, Nicolai?"

He threaded his hands through his hair, gripping the roots of the messy, brown locks.

"My dad hurt her, Thea," he spat through gritted teeth.

And of course my prayer for better news was traded in for even worse news. 

"How do you know for sure? Did your grandma say anything? Does she remember what happened?"

Nicolai huffed, standing up. I could see he was on edge and was ready to blow. I had a feeling that if he exploded, I wouldn't get him back. He'd be lost in despair and rage.

"She remembers everything. He came by and was looking for me, and I obviously wasn't home and he was drunk and angry and.....," Nicolai paused, a pained look crossing his face as he swallowed back the emotion. 

However, no matter what he tried, he couldn't hide the emotions glimmering in his eyes.

"He took it out on her. She didn't want to tell him where I was because she knew what he would try to he took it out on her instead," his voice cracked at the end as a tear slipped down his face. 

"It's my fault, Thea. I'm the reason she got hurt. It should've been me," he croaked, the tears flowing down his face freely as he broke finally.

I pulled him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, letting him cry. Tears welled up in my eyes as everything he just said sunk in.

Anger ignited in the pit of my stomach.

His dad was going to pay for this.

"Nicolai, it wasn't your fault," I said quietly. "It's his. Your grandmother wanted to protect you, she did what she thought was right. You're dad is the only person at fault here."

I pulled back from him, wiping the tear tracks from his cheeks. His eyes were murky with sadness.

"I'm gonna fix this, Nicolai. Everything's gonna be alright," I promised, hoping I that I could live up to my promise. I would certainly try.

He flashed me a pitiful smile.

"How are you gonna do that? I've been trying to escape him for years now and I finally thought I was rid of him when I moved in with my grandma, but look at what just happened. What the hell do  you think you're gonna do that's gonna magically change everything, because I'm damn out of luck," he snapped, storming off down the hospital hallway.

I stood there, staring after him, feeling my heart drop into my stomach.

I leaned back against the wall, closing my eyes with a sigh. My back slid down the blaring white walls until I hit the ground. I wrapped my arms around my knees and spent the next hour thinking of all the things I should've done and said and of all the things I have to do and want to do. 

I have to figure out how to save him. And I have to do it fast. 

Before it's too late. 

In the end, however, what I didn't realize was that his dad wasn't the only thing I'd have to save him from.

If only I knew.


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