Chapter Twenty-Four

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Ahhhhhhhh, 470+ reads! Holy shizzle mcfizzle! Almost to 500 reads, all because of you guys! Thank you all so very much, you have no idea how happy this makes me. Keep reading, voting, commenting, and sharing. I love love your guys' comments! They literally make my day, as well as your votes. If you haven't already, if you like this story, I have started another story called Good Guys are the New Bad Boys that you can check out. Just to let you know, there will be another dance number in this chapter and the next one probably so I will have a youtube video posted of the dance and let you know when you should watch it during the story, or you can just watch it beforehand to follow my description of it. Get ready for some more insight on Thea's past! Enjoy! :)


"Sometimes memories made her laugh her heart out and drew the widest smile on her face. Other times, they tore her open and left her in pieces." ~Anonymous


Thea's P.O.V.

I was sitting on my living room couch watching the Vampire Diaries. I was sitting on the edge of my seat, anticipating yet another Damon and Elena kiss. Just as they were about to seal the deal, the shrill sound of my phone rang, scaring me. I paused the Netflix episode before it got to the good part and stretched my hand out to grab the noisy, white phone. Checking the Caller ID, I was displeased to find who was calling me. I gripped the phone tightly, pressing angrily on the answer button.

"What the hell do you want now? I told you already to stop calling," I snarled, clenching my free hand into a fist. He had the nerve to call me after what he did.

"I want your forgiveness, honey. I never meant to hurt you or your mom--"

"It's a little too late for that isn't it," I cut him off, my voice filled with cold, blinding anger. I could feel my blood boiling, the anger slowly building up from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. It felt like my body was on fire. I've never had so much hatred towards a person. He was the exception.

"Please, Thea," he begged. "I want to go back to how we used to be. I love you so much."

I rolled my eyes. He was absolutely pathetic. Did he actually think I would fall for that again?

"I'd rather choke myself to death than ever go back to the 'way we used to be'. I hate you. How many more times do I need to say it?" I was just itching to punch something, anything. My clenched fist was shaking with anger. It felt like I was a puppet to my emotions. Anger was in control now. I stood no chance.

"But, Thea, you can't mean that. I love you, you're my little gi---" The reception was weakening and all I could hear was static.

Suddenly, a cold chill spread through my body, paralyzing me with raw fear. My eyes widened. Something was very wrong.

"Hello? Are you there?" I gripped the phone tightly trying to make out what was going on through the static.

Someone screamed. It was the type of blood-curdling scream that freezes you to the bone; it's the type that signals the end of someone's life.

It continued. I sat there shocked still. The sounds of crashing, screaming, and chaos swirled together clogging my ears, making my head pound.

The phone slowly slipped out of my hand as I heard sirens and the loud honking and screeching of cars. I looked up only to see blinding lights coming towards me, bringing with it the inevitable crashing and smashing of an imminent attack on my life.

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