Chapter Five

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Thea's P.O.V.

Screw Nicolai Freaking No-Last-Name! Screw him and his stupid face and that stupid smirk. Goddamn, I can't think of anything but that stupid smug look on his stupid face. I can't even remember the last time someone actually got me this worked up. Arghh, I hate this freaking feeling. Stupid Pretty Boy...

The final bell rings pushing me out of my thoughts. Thank you Jesus; an end to this horrid day.

As I walked through the hallway, people stared-teachers, students, the freaking janitor. You think they would have some decency and hide the fact that they were staring, but no, sadly they're all indecent turds. I rolled my eyes and made my way to my locker. Grabbing my books, I closed my locker door and guess who I found.

Mothertrucking Nicolai.

He really doesn't seem to have any brain cells.

Leaning against the lockers next to mine, arms crossed, with messy hair, and his infamous smirk, he looked like a male model. Too bad for him, I despise models.

"What the hell do you want?" I put on my best glare, hoping he would just get scared and run away. Usually working, you can imagine my surprise when the son of a bitch stayed. And freaking glared back. And then laughed. At me.

Blood boiling, I rolled my eyes and scoffed. He is not worth my energy.

I turned around and made my way to my car in the parking lot. Everywhere I turned, kids stared at me. This is exactly why I don't talk to these idiots; mothertrucking indecent turds.

Just as I was about to open my car door, a hand grabs my wrist and pulls me towards them. Looking up, Nicolai seems pretty pleased with himself like touching my wrist is some great accomplishment.

Tearing my wrist away from his hold, I glared at him, which only made him laugh. This guy seriously had a death wish.

"Did you want something or do you just go around manhandling girls in your free time?" I remarked.

"No, I actually have a purpose. Not gonna lie though, kinda was enjoying having you close to me." There's that stupid smirk of his. Get the handcuffs ready, officer.

Putting on a smirk of my own, I retorted," Maybe next time my foot can get real close to your balls and we'll see how much you like physical contact with me."

"Feisty, I like it. But, I actually didn't come here to exchange useless banter with you. I wanted to ask you a question."

"Don't really feel like being interrogated, Pretty Boy. Now if you'll excuse me, I want to get far away from you and the other turds," I said, turning to pull the door handle.

Reaching out, his hand grasped mine and pulled me towards him, even closer than before. Way too close; I could feel his abs through his shirt, which if I'm honest wasn't the worst feeling in the world, but it was definitely out of my comfort zone. As I looked up, I realized his face was extremely close to mine.

Someone seems to really like getting in people's personal space.

"Now Thea, all I want is to ask you a question."

"You can do that without holding my hand and standing five feet away from me," I snapped back. His proximity was unnerving.

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