Chapter Thirty

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Hello my friends, I'm happy to see you again! I can't believe it's already Chapter Thirty! :0 And I also can't believe Broken Ice has reached 1.86k! Like what?! We're so close to 2k, it's unbelievable! Well, not so unbelievable, because it's awesome people like you guys who are reading and commenting and voting and for all of that, I thank you. :) If you can do me another favor, please stop by and read the prologues to two of my very new stories, Cigarettes Don't Kill and No Bullies Allowed, I'd appreciate any feedback you have. Well, without further ado, I present you Chapter Thirty. :)


"One day it just gets better. There's no explanation or reason why. You just wake up and you're not angry anymore." ~Anonymous


Third Person P.O.V.

Thea was curled up in her bed, reading a book.

Well, she was trying to read the book. Every time she tried focusing on the itty-bitty words printed across the yellowed pages, her mind would drift away to a more fascinating topic.


I can't believe how close we've gotten since I told him everything, Thea thought to herself, mindlessly flipping through the pages of the leather-bound book in her hands.

Since they returned to the meadow, Thea and Nicolai have been spending every single day with each other; going to the movies, spending time at each other's houses, eating junk food, and several times going to the meadow to just relax and hang out.

In a mere week and two days, they've become each other's best friends. It wasn't about some deal anymore, it's wasn't about solving each other's pasts anymore, they were just enjoying each other's company.

And that's what they planned to do tonight as well.

Simply enjoy each other's company.


Thea's P.O.V.

The doorbell rang loudly, making me jolt in my seat and spill my buttery popcorn all over my jeans and leather couch.

"Damn it," I groaned to myself, brushing the white puffs off me and onto the floor. I stood up, stepping around the mess on the floor, deciding that I'd clean it up later.

I wrenched the door open and what I saw made me chock with laughter.

Laughter bubbled up in me, taking over my body. I couldn't even breathe from how hard I was laughing; tears streaked down my face as my fit continued.

"Well, hello to you too," Nicolai said sarcastically, stepping through the doorway.

I gripped the doorknob, the laughter causing my body to become weak.

"I'm s-sorry," I chocked out. "B-but it's so f-funny. What the h-hell are you w-wearing?"

I closed the door with my back, leaning up against it to hold myself up as my laughter slowly starting dying down.

But, the sight in front of me was just too hilarious to not start another round of laughter.

Nicolai was standing in front of me.

In a Big Bird costume.

I'm talking about the big, yellow, flappy bird from the children's show "Sesame Street".

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