Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Thank you for your votes and comments, you guys are amazing. :) This chapter will be a little emotional and eye-opening, hoping you won't hate me for doing this, but this is how the story played out in my head long before I even started this book on Wattpad. The song for this chapter is Let It Go by James Bay. I hope you enjoy, share your thoughts in the comments below, I love to hear what you guys have to say!


"There's a loneliness that only exists in one's mind. The loneliest moment in someone's life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart and all they can do is stare blankly." ~Anonymous


3 weeks later

Thea's P.O.V.

"Can you believe it's going to be Christmas next week? I'm so excited! Mom's making her famous triple chocolate fudge brownies," Megan gushed, excitement brightening up her sky blue eyes.

I mumbled a soft response, swirling my Coke with a straw. For the past three weeks I had trouble focusing on anything but what Nicolai was hiding from me. I was so obsessed with figuring it out what it was that until this very moment, I had no idea Christmas was next week.

Megan noticed my expressionless response, frowning at me.

"Alright, what's wrong? For the past couple weeks the only conversational words you've spit out is incomprehensible mumbles. I know we only just started to get back into the swing of our friendship, but don't forget I knew you long before our little fall-out. And I can definitely tell when something is bothering you. What is it?"

My eyes snapped up to meet her very determined ones. She looked at me earnestly, waiting for my answer.

I sighed heavily, releasing the straw I was playing with. I glared at the lunch table for a moment before meeting her steady gaze.

"Nicolai's hiding something from me," I blurted out.

Megan's eyebrows shot up, disappearing underneath her bangs.

"Really? But, I thought you guys were so close," she said confusedly.

I ran my fingers frustratingly through my hair.

"We ar--," I paused, wincing at the words that started spilling out of my mouth.

"We were," I corrected. "But, a couple weeks ago I confronted him about these mysterious conversations he keeps having and he told me that it was better for me if I didn't know, that he didn't want to hurt me."

I shook my head, bitterness seeping into my voice.

"He's such a hypocrite. Forcing me to speak and spill my past, while he sits back and flounders by himself because he won't let me in. I don't know what to do anymore," I groaned in defeat, cradling my head in my hands.

Megan gave me a sympathetic look, offering a small smile.

"I'm sure he'll tell you eventually. He probably just needs time to handle the situation himself before he can let anyone else in."

"But I'm not just anyone else," I defended loudly, making a couple of students' heads turn in our direction.

I threw them a glowering stare, making them cringe at the ferocity of my gaze. I turned my gaze back on Megan.

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