Chapter Seventeen

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Thea's P.O.V.

I can't believe I just did that.

I was quickly fastwalking away from the music room before anyone could see me. I couldn't believe I actually played the piano. Why the hell did I just do that? Someone could have easily seen me... Well, at least no one did. No one can know about that.

I was already at my next class before the bell even rang. I've been avoiding loitering in the hallways on the off-chance that I would run into Nicolai. I don't want to see Nicolai; I don't think I could handle it.

His words were continuously replaying in my head.

I guess some broken things just can't be fixed.

I shook away my thoughts. I had to stop thinking about him. I made a mistake and now we'll never be friends again all because I was paranoid that I would hurt him.

Well congratulations Thea, you fucking hurt him anyway.

I sighed, rubbing my forehead. Why couldn't the universe be on my side for once.

"Alright class, get ready for the best English class ever! Today, we're going to discuss Romeo and Juliet."

Yupp, the universe definitely was not on my side.

Kill me.


By the time school was over, I was ready to go home and take a 5 hour nap.

I grabbed my English textbook and Math notebook out of my locker. I couldn't help but feel disappointed that I didn't see a leaning figure next to my locker.

And you'll probably never see it again either thanks to your paranoia.

I slammed my locker shut, frustrated with both my thoughts and myself. I felt like the shittiest person in the world.

As I walked out of school, something very strange happened. Usually people stare at me, but now they were all glaring at me instead like I massacred their family or something.

I ignored their icy stares and made my way to my little Beetle.

"Thea, wait!" I heard someone calling out. I couldn't recognize the voice. What idiot really wants to bother me now?

I turned in the direction where the voice came from, confused and irritated. This better be good, I can't take anymore bullshit today.

When I finally saw the person who called my name and was now running towards me, I froze like a scared little bunny.

You know when you're facing a big decision or problem and you can either face it or run away. Yeah well I'm the kind of person to face my problems head on.

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