Chapter Thirty-Two

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Hello my wonderful, understanding readers, I apologize for not updating in awhile. I've been really busy this past week and have just not had the time to update at all. I hope you enjoyed the Question and Answer portion that was updated previously, it was a lot of fun for me to answer your guys' questions. Just to throw it out there, I just started a poetry book, Words Uncovered, where I will be posting some of the poems I've recently started to write. I already posted one to the book, Outside the Box. I'd really appreciate it if you guys could check it out. Alright with that out of the way, I present you the long-awaited Chapter Thirty-Two, enjoy! :)
"Sometimes you meet a person and you just click--you're comfortable with them, like you've known them your whole life and you don't have to pretend to be anyone or anything."
~Alexandra Ardonetto
Thea's P.O.V.

I groaned lightly as I stretched my arms above my head, my stiff limbs waking up from the deep sleep. As I raised my arms, my hand brushed against a soft material, making me crack an eye open. I then realized what my hand had brushed across.

The soft smooth skin of a face.

Nicolai's face.

I gasped slightly, gripping the hand that almost touched him to my chest. I stared at the sleeping figure leaned against the back of my maroon couch, breathing lighting. I noticed only then that my body had been draped over him, his stomach being my pillow. I held back a laugh as I saw his messy hair, ruffled beyond repair. His mouth was slightly open, his face peaceful and innocent. He looked so young and careless, like he never experienced a dark day in his life.

A light smile touched my lips as I leaned my head against his chest again, listening to his heart beat. I had to calm down my erratic heartbeat and the doubtful thoughts that scorched my mind.

It's alright for me to want to be close to him. It's alright for me to allow myself to be happy.

I kissed him last night. He kissed back.

 He didn't leave, he's right here. There's no reason for me to be worried.

I let out a deep breath, cuddling up to Nicolai's warm figure. The sound of his slow, steady heartbeat calmed down my worried thoughts.

I can't believe we kissed last night.

The memories of the previous night replayed nonstop in my mind, everything from the Big Bird costume to me planting a kiss on an unsuspecting Nicolai.

I remembered the drive home; the way our hands were interlocked, the way Nicolai would glance over at me discreetly, a wide grin on his face. The way I caught those secret glances and smiled to myself. The way we walked into my dark, empty house and plopped ourselves down on my couch.

The couch we were still currently laying on.

I remembered how we talked about anything and everything until we both fell asleep.

I learned that his mom used to bake him chocolate chip cookies when he was sick and that Math is actually his favorite subject. I learned that he owns every single album of Taylor Swift's and listens to all of them, one by one, each week. I learned that he's afraid of not impacting someone's life.

Of dying without making someone's life better just by being himself and helping them.

I remembered thinking that he didn't need to be afraid of that. He already achieved that with me.

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