Chapter Twelve

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Thank you for reading my story, it really means a lot! If you could, please comment, vote, and share with your friends. If you have advice on how I could make this story better, please comment or message me because I really want to hear your input. The picture in this chapter is Nicolai Snow (Logan Lerman). Alright that's it for me, enjoy the chapter!


Thea's P.O.V.

There were lights flashing everywhere. Reds, whites, and blues blinded my half-closed eyes. Noises clogged my ears. I could smell something burning and there was yelling. Lots and lots of yelling.

I was screaming too, but I couldn't make out what I was saying. Everything was blurry and distorted. I tried talking, but my throat burned with pain and I chocked out a gasp.

Someone grabbed my hand and kept saying I was alright. It was just an accident. I was gonna be okay.

But I knew I wasn't. I had a bad feeling. So I screamed and screamed and screamed. Somebody was restraining me, begging me to stop. But I wouldn't. I just screamed and screamed and ----

"Thea! Thea, honey! Wake up, it's just a nightmare," my mom yelled shaking me from my horrible dream. I gasped, realizing it was just a dream. Correction, not a dream, but a memory. One of my worst memories.

I breathed heavily, my chest moving up and down. My mom wiped my forehead with a wet towel, calming me down. I was covered in cold sweat.

"Was it the same dream again?" She had worry lines all over her face and her hand was shaking. I sat up and threw my hair up in ponytail, trying to cool down my neck.

"Yeah," I whispered. This wasn't the first time I've had this dream. I used to get them almost every night after the incident, waking up screaming covered in sweat and sometimes crying.

Everything was the same except I didn't cry anymore. In fact, I haven't cried in a long time. Crying was overrated and pointless. It never makes you feel better; it just gives you headaches and a stuffy nose.

"Hey mom, I'm seriously fine. I'm not tired anymore so you don't have to worry about me sleeping and having another nightmare." I gently removed her hand holding the towel to my forehead and gave her a small smile, trying to reassure her I was ok.

She sighed and stood up, twisting the ring on her left ring finger, a nervous habit of hers. "Well, if you're sure you're ok." I nodded and smiled and she finally left my room.

My smile melted off my face and was replaced with a tired, worn out expression. Every time I have these stupid dreams, it ruins my day.

I decided to take a shower to wash away the sweat and horror of the night. My body groaned with soreness as I got up, like it always does after that dream. Damn, Nicolai's coming to pick me up in two hours. I'm so not in the mood to deal with him today.

Undressing, I stepped under the hot water flowing through my shower head. My muscles relaxed and I let the tension fade away from my body. By the time I got out, a half hour passed; damn, took a longer shower than I thought I would.

Wrapping myself in a towel, I went to find some clothes to wear. I realized that the last time I did this, Nicolai was waiting for me on my bed. He better not be there today.

And he wasn't.

A second of disappointment washed over me. A very small part of me wanted him to be there. He was a good distraction. He made me forget my past and how broken I am. When I'm with him, he doesn't treat me like a broken toy, he just treats me like Thea, a girl.

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