Question & Answer

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Hello my lovely readers! Welcome to the Special Edition of Broken Ice. :) Let's get started!

The first question comes from my very close, childhood friend sarcips . She is also a writer on Wattpad and has started her first story ever called, To Love In Secret.

Question: Do you see yourself or any of your actual personality traits reflected in any of your characters in any of your stories? If so, which characters in particular are you most like and why?

Answer: As a writer, personally, I tend to put a lot of myself into my stories. In Broken Ice, especially, a lot of my thoughts and personality traits are enveloped in the characters. The lessons and the way Nicolai thinks, his need to save people, his determination, those are all things that I took from myself. However, a lot more of me is included in Thea's character. Let it be known, that I am no Ice Queen; I'm actually really nice and approachable. I may be sassy sometimes, but I'm nowhere near Thea's intimidating presence. However, I'm not going to lie, I'm not good at expressing my feelings, which is probably why I write. I can't really be mushy or sappy, I get extremely awkward and uncomfortable, just like Thea. I also don't trust very easily, similar to Thea. Bottom line is, yes there is a lot of me and my thoughts and my traits in this story. However, that doesn't mean every single way the characters act or think is the way I act or think. Most of this story, just comes from my creative imagination.

Thank you for your question and sorry for the humongous paragraph! :)

The next three questions come from one of my very lovely friends that I've met here on Wattpad, marienggles . She is a brilliant author who has a nearly finished book called, Guilty of Bliss, that I am obsessed with.

For these questions, I'll need my side kicks help.

*Nicolai and Thea enter, hand-in-hand*

Nicolai: Hey, how's it going everyone?

*Flashes a charming grin*

Thea: Nicolai, stop flirting with the readers.

Alright you two, settle down.

Question for Nicolai: If you were to compare Thea to a Hollywood actress, who would it be and why?

Nicolai ponders for a moment, as Thea looks at him expectantly with raised eyebrows.

Nicolai's answer: Hmm, I'm going to go with Angelina Jolie. I mean, Angelina kicks ass and is extremely beautiful; I think she's an excellent comparison to Thea.

*Thea smiles widely, satisfied with his answer*

Question for Thea: Hi sweetheart! Is Nicolai hot or not?

Thea goes into shock, a nervous expression on her face. Nicolai smirks wickedly down at her, waggling his eyebrows.

Thea's Answer: Um---uh--ye--no--yes. You know what?! He's freaking gorgeous! THERE, I SAID IT!

Nicolai fist pumps the air, before doing a happy dance. Thea rolls her eyes at his ridiculousness.

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