Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Hello my beautiful readers! Thank you all for your continuous support and love for this story, words cannot describe how much I appreciate it. :) We've reached 1.6k, like whaaatttt?! That's incredible! In this chapter, not much action will happen. It's a continuation from the last chapter, and will just set the foundation for future chapters, so I hope you'll like it! I'm dedicating this chapter to Andrea, for her incredible support and love towards both me and my stories. Everyone should go follow her and check her books out; she's an amazing writer and an amazing person. Thank you, Andrea! :) Alright, that's it for me, hope you enjoy and let me know what you think. :)


"We always see our worst selves. Our most vulnerable selves. We need someone else to get close enough to tell us we're wrong. Someone we trust." ~David Levithan


Thea's P.O.V.

My eyelids fluttered, as I finally woke up from my deep sleep. I blinked back the sleepiness, still trying to take over me, groaning as my stiff muscles attempted to start working again.

That's when I noticed I wasn't laying in my bed, sleeping in between my soft, fluffy covers, hugging my pillow to my chest.

Instead, I discovered my head was resting in the crook of somebody's neck. Instead of warms sheets, two arms were wrapped around me tightly, hugging me to a toned chest.

I'm not going to lie. I've had the best sleep in a long time last night.

In Nicolai's arms.

I breathed in his vanilla scent, a gentle smile spreading slowly across my now wide-awake face.

I lifted my head slowly, trying to not wake him up. My eyes trailed over his peaceful, innocent face. My eyes wandered over his plump, pink lips, which he was slightly biting in his sleep. They trailed upwards to the long, dark, curly eyelashes set against a pair of pale cheeks. My gaze continued to slide upwards, focusing on the ruffled bird's nest sitting on top of his head.

I bit back a giggle as I stared at the dark brown locks sticking up in several directions.

He looked adorable.

I sat there huddled against his chest, memorizing every inch of his angelic face. As I studied him, memories of last night flashed in my mind.

He didn't leave.

He stayed.

He didn't leave.

He stayed.

I couldn't believe it. I didn't think he would.

But, he did.

I wasn't just a mystery for him to crack. He cares.

And I.

I swallowed nervously in disbelief at what I was about to admit.

I care.

In that moment of beautiful realization, I couldn't help myself.

I leaned in, pressing a soft, brief kiss on his cheek. He wrinkled his nose in his sleep at the action, tightening his hold on me.

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