Chapter Twenty-Six

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Hello my beautiful readers, how are you? I'm feeling super duper fantastic because Broken Ice has reached 850+!!! When I started writing this book, I hoped that at least one person would enjoy it and maybe be inspired by it and then this happens, and I'm just in complete awe because I never considered myself a good writer and I still don't. I'm just overly grateful that there are those who take the time to read my imagination written down in words. So, thank you! :) And I would really love it if you guys could also go check out my two other stories. Good Guys are the New Bad Boys is categorized as Humor and has only five chapters, as of right now. The Darkness Within, which is Teen Fiction, has actually just been posted very recently and only has a prologue published at this moment. Thank you, once again, for reading and I hope you enjoy! :D


"The world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are strong at the broken places." 

~Ernest Hemingway


Thea's P.O.V.

Have you ever been frozen with fear? You stand up in front of your whole class to give an oral report and you freeze up. Nothing comes out of your mouth, except short puffs of air as you desperately try to calm yourself down. All you can do is stare back at the expectant, curious eyes staring you down. Your palms sweat with anxiety and you start praying for an asteroid to smash into the school to save yourself from utter humiliation. But, none of that happens. You continue to stand there and stare and wait.

That's how it feels right now.

Everyone in the gym is waiting for my next move, the next word to come out of my mouth. They're expecting me to dance. But, how can I dance, when I can't even breathe? My limbs have shut down, I couldn't move even if I tried. My heart continues to pound erratically  in my chest. And all I can do is stand and stare and wait. God knows how long I've been standing here.

And then, just like that, music poured out of the DJ's speakers. Suddenly, everything that was weighing me down, was released, allowing me to breathe. My body unfroze like magic. The beat and rhythm of the music overtook me, making me forget about all the peering eyes.

It was like the one kid in class who shoots you a smile of encouragement, letting you know that you don't have to be afraid. It only takes one small action to change a moment.

I recognized the song as Partition by Beyoncé. Ok, DJ, it's completely alright to give me a sexy song to dance to. I mean who cares if I mess up this song or whatever. I mean, it's just Beyoncé, am I right?

Wow, I even think sarcastically.

Shaking my head at my sarcastic thoughts, I strutted right into the center of the circle of watchful eyes. Feeling the beginning of the song pulsing in my veins, another shock of confidence shot through my body, making me grin wickedly at my fellow peers.

Let's give them something to remember me by.

So, I danced. (Play video attached. Thea's the blond girl with the white crop top and printed baggy pants.)

My body slowly flowed with the music, making the once curious stares turn heated. My body rolled with the rhythm. I brought all my hot hip hop moves to the floor. I dropped low to the ground only to bring it back up.

The wicked grin never left my face, I turned and twirled. I made eye contact with everyone, the confidence in me flowing in my system.

As I danced, I tried catching a glimpse of Nicolai, but I never found him. I wanted to frown, but I was performing. A performer never frowns.

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