Chapter Six

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Thea's P.O.V.

You know when I agreed to being Nicolai's "friend", I thought I would be the one making his life hell. But, apparently he took it upon himself to fill that position.

"Thea," my mom called up from downstairs. "You have a visitor." Now  you can imagine my surprise. I don't get visitors. Ever. And clearly I wasn't expecting anyone since I was dressed in my cotton, pink-and-blue-striped pj shorts and a wrinkled white t-shirt. Not to mention I was wearing my black nerdy glasses; I don't even want to talk about how my hair looked. I grumbled under my breath; this visitor better be worth it, I had to pause watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix.  

"I'm coming," I yelled back. "You're going to answer the door dressed liked that..."

"Yeah, I promise you whoever is at the door is not worth me getting dressed." "If you say so," she said, shrugging her shoulders as she left the room.

When I opened the door and saw who my so-called visitor was, two thoughts crossed my mind. One: You have got to be kidding me; two: how the hell did he know where I lived?

"What the hell are you doing at my house? How do even know where I live?"

"Well since it's a beautiful, sunny Saturday, I thought we could hang out today as official friends. As for how I know where you live....Well, I have connections," Nicolai said, a smug grin prominent on his face. His smile resembled the Cheshire cat's grin; sly mothertrucker. He stood leaning against the door frame, arms crossed, dark hair tousled, green eyes sparkling, his confidence radiating off him in waves. Not to mention his tight white t-shirt and black straight-legged jeans did his body complete justice. He epitomized every girl's dream guy; who wouldn't want this fine specimen on their doorstep.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, the exception is me. My dream guy is currently upstairs waiting to present to me the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy. And I don't need to even to dress up or be nice to him (Netflix).

"Sorry I would hang out with you, but I honestly don't want to. Have a nice day," I said, closing the door. His hand shot out and stopped the door.

"Now that's not a very friendly thing to say. You're hurting my feelings." He pretended to be hurt, holding his hands over his heart.

"And why would I give a damn about your feelings?" "Because we're friends and that's part of the job description," he stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"We're not fr--" I stopped, remembering the deal we made two days ago. I grimaced. Damn it.

"Wouldn't want to go back on your word now, would you?"  He smirked. I swear that smirk is permanently plastered on his stupid face.

I sighed, rubbing my temples. "Fine. Only for an hour or two. What did you have in mind anyway?"

"I was thinking the park. I just want us to get to know each other a little bit." "And if I don't want to?"

"Too bad. We can't be considered friends until we know basic information about each other."

"Fine. Let me go get dressed first," I grumbled out. His eyes slid over my bare legs, soaking in the image of them. I probably should've felt violated, but there was something about his gaze that made me shiver with excitement rather than disgust. I need to get a grip on myself.

"Hey Pretty Boy, eyes up here. I'd rather not have to stab your eyes out just when we became friends." I glowered at him.

He stared back at me, unfazed by my threat. "You gonna invite me in?"

"Mom doesn't like stray dogs in the house," I remarked.

"Sweetie, let the nice boy in. God knows when the last time was that you had a visitor," my mom called out from the kitchen. Wow thanks mom for being on my side.

I sighed, opening the door completely. "Please enter my humble abode," I said, my voice thick with sarcasm. His smile got bigger; he enjoyed my discomfort. "Why, thank you." I glared at him in response.

Walking into my house, Nicolai's eyes scanned everything, almost like he wanted to absorb every detail. I noticed he did that a lot; his eyes always seemed to be on a mission of deciphering everything they see. My house was your average suburban, middle-class type house; it was only my mom and I so we didn't need a big house.

"I like your house. It's homey." What does that even mean?

"Uh, thanks.. You can wait here while I go upstairs and get dressed." I turned away and ran up the staircase, not wanting to spend any extra time with Nicolai than needed.

I pulled on a pair of dark-washed skinny jeans and a white t-shirt and wrapped a red plaid shirt around my waist, just in case I got cold. Rushing into the bathroom, I brushed my wavy hair into a messy side braid and put a little makeup on as per my usual routine. No need to make a big fuss, it's not like I want to impress him. Keeping my glasses on instead of bothering with contacts, I grabbed my phone and pulled on my black combat boots. I made my way down the stairs and caught Nicolai staring at my family pictures displayed on my wall by the front door. I hate those pictures; reminders of the past were a big no-no.

"What are you doing," I said suspiciously. I crossed my arms and quirked my eyebrow at him.

Ignoring my question, he responded," Why isn't your dad in any of the pictures?" The confusion and curiosity in his voice were evident. Curiosity killed the cat.

I tensed at his question. "None of your goddamn business. Now if you want to "hang out" then get your ass out the door. My patience is withering."

"Jeez, I'm sorry. I was just wondering. We're friends, so excuse me if I'm curious about your life." This is why I don't want friends--too many damn questions.

"Let's just go get this over with. I don't feel like arguing all day." I grumbled under my breath," So not worth ditching my Netflix date." We walked outside to his car, a black, shiny Audi. At least he has good taste in cars, I loved Audis. Sliding into the passenger seat, I inspected his car. I was expecting a mess, but he kept his car surprisingly clean and it even smelled amazing--like a mixture of vanilla and cologne.

Nicolai started the car and put on a CD. "Is this The Fray?" "Yeah, they're one of my favorite bands. Why you like them?"

"I love them," I muttered. "They're  one of my favorite bands too."

His Cheshire grin made a second appearance as he looked at me. "Awww, Thea. Are you upset we actually have something in common?"

I scoffed," Oh shut up." That only made him laugh. He has a nice laugh; raspy and deep, but the contagious kind of one which makes you want to laugh too. What the hell; did I just think that. Get a grip, Thea. I shook myself out of my thoughts.

When he eventually stopped laughing, we both fell into a comfortable silence, The Fray playing softly, setting a very peaceful feeling throughout the car. When we finally got to the park, the peacefulness faded and reality settled in. I had to spend the next two hours talking to someone I barely stand because I have too much pride and agreed to be friends with him all because he wants to "figure me out". I really need to start making better decisions.

"You ready?" The excitement was clear on his face. Too bad I didn't feel the same way.

"Is it too late to back out?" "Yupp."


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