Chapter Thirteen

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Thea's P.O.V.

They say you learn new things everyday. Well, today I learned that Nicolai eats like a freaking pig. His stomach is a bottomless black void.

I know this because his backseat is currently filled with bags of Burger King. Not to mention I'm holding ten thousand bags of fast food on my lap.

It took an hour to get all of the food.

Why did we need all this food you ask? I don't fucking know.

"Why the hell did you order so much food? We can't eat all of this!" I gestured to all the bags of fast food.

He shook his head back and forth, grinning at me," Thea, Thea always questioning. Just relax and enjoy the ride. You'll find out soon enough." Nicolai began pulling out of the parking lot and headed to the park.

I sighed, already exasperated. Maybe this day won't get better.

I really hated surprises. Which he probably knew. Which is probably the reason he's doing this.

I leaned my head against the headrest and stared out the window. Greens, blues, creams, reds passed by blurring altogether in a mural of colors. I opened the window and stretched my arm out. I moved my hand back and forth in the wind like I was playing with the waves. I used to do this all the time when I was a kid. I could feel my lips slowly curl into a small, sad smile. What I would give to be so little and innocent again...

"Enjoying yourself?" I jumped out my daydream and turned to Nicolai retracting my hand from outside the window. I didn't even know we were already at the park. He gave me a small questioning smile, amusement clear in his eyes.

"I-uh.. yeah sure," I awkwardly answered, unsure how to respond. His stare was so intense, like he was reading my mind with his eyes. I cleared my throat and looked out the window again.

"So we're here then. I guess it's picnic time," I said, trying to break his gaze. I succeeded. He snapped out of his daze and started picking up some bags of food.

"You're about to experience the best freaking picnic of your life." Nicolai grinned at me. I swear he's the cockiest boy ever.

Rolling my eyes at his comment, I climbed out of the Audi, carrying my own bag of Burger King deliciousness. Closing the door, I took in the park and all it's features. It was a nice park. Bright, freshly cut, green grass stretched for what seemed like miles and miles. There were several hills which children were currently rolling down, their infectious laughter reaching the ears of everyone around them. Trees sprouted up everywhere, providing shade under their leafy branches. I could even see in the distance a small little creek winding in and out of the trees like a snake. The park was alive with life. It certainly was a step up from the worn-down park we went to last time in my neighborhood.

Feeling eyes scanning my face, I turned and caught Nicolai's eye. He was doing that staring thing again. This time I didn't back down from his gaze and instead, quirked my eyebrow, challenging him. He let out a small chuckle breaking eye contact," C'mon, we can find a spot under the shade." He motioned me to follow him.

We picked a spot under a very large oak tree, its shade falling all around us. There was a soft breeze blowing. As I sat down on the blanket Nicolai brought, a sense of peacefulness washed over me. It felt like we were back in the meadow again. The meadow.

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