Chapter Eight

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Thea's P.O.V.

Sunday passed quickly and before I knew it, it was already Monday morning and my alarm clock, aka my mother, was screaming at me to get up. Aren't Mondays just amazing...

"I'm up, I'm up," I yelled. I managed to get out of bed at the pace of a sloth. Dragging myself into the bathroom, I took a quick shower, hoping the steaming hot water would wake me up. I could hear the faint opening and closing of the front door downstairs. It's probably just mom getting the morning newspaper. After I got out of the shower, I wrapped my body up in a towel, because, like the idiot that I am, I forgot my clothes in my room. Before I went to go get dressed, I quick brushed my teeth and combed through my tangled, brown hair. Dear God, why couldn't you have given me less tangled hair; it literally feels like a thousand angry children are pulling at each individual strand of hair. After doing the best I could to tame the beast on my head, I turned to go to get my clothes. And then I screamed.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM?!" I shouted, tightening the towel covering my body.

Nicolai was lounging on my bed like a king. The turd was on my freaking bed, in my freaking house, freaking smirking at me. Today might be the day I actually go to jail. Sorry, mom.

"No need to scream, Thea. You seemed to have forgotten that I'm supposed to pick you up to take you to school. And as for why I'm in your room well your mom let me in and said I could wait up here. She said it was alright because you were in the shower and get dressed in there so you wouldn't even notice me until you had to leave. But, may I say, I am pretty damn happy that you decided not to get dressed in the bathroom today," he said, green eyes grazing up and down my body, which was still wet from the shower.

Did I feel uncomfortable that he was checking me out? No. Should I? Absolutely. In fact, I felt almost exhilarated as he looked at me like that, like I was a piece of art he was admiring. No, shut up. You probably just like it because he's cute. Which he totally was. Today, he was wearing a black leather jacket over his white t-shirt with his black jeans. Along with his ruffled dark hair and devilish smile, he looked like the poster boy for all things bad boy. And boy, did it suite him-- No. Stop this. He's your friend, an annoying one, but you're friend nonetheless. You can't think about him like that.

"Woohoo, Thea, snap out of it," Nicolai said, snapping his fingers in front of my face. Damn, how long has he been standing in front of me for? "I know I'm attractive, but now is not the time to waste ogling my body." If I could wipe off that damn smirk from his face, I would.

I scoffed instead. "If anyone's ogling, it's you. Now, if you don't mind waiting downstairs, I need to get dressed." I walked around him and went to my dresser to get my stuff. When I turned around, Nicolai was back to laying on my bed. He sensed me glowering at him and looked up, giving me an innocent smile. "What... You're bed's comfy." I groaned and stomped off to the bathroom, not bothering to waste any more time yelling at him. I locked the door for good measure, just in case. After I changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a plain black t-shirt, I applied my usual makeup: concealer and mascara, with some chapstick on my lips, and set out to blow dry my damp hair. After I was done, I walked out to grab Nicolai and head to school.

"Alright let's go to prison. I'm ready," I grumbled, tying up the laces of my black converse. Nicolai got up and surprisingly, without saying a word, walked down the stairs and opened the front door for me.

"I'll see ya later mom!" "Ok honey, have fun at school. You too Nicolai!"

"Thanks, Mrs. Crystal!"

Sliding into the sleek, black Audi, I panicked. The kids at school are gonna see me driving in with Nicolai and walking in with Nicolai and me talking to Nicolai. Oh damn.

"Wait!" Nicolai froze while putting the key into the ignition. "What, what's wrong," he said, concern clear in his voice.

I fumbled slightly. "Kids are gonna see us coming to school together and me talking to you and I don't necessarily want that to happen."

"What, you embarrassed to be seen with me?" The irritation in his voice was very hard to miss.

I played with my hair, a habit of mine I do when I'm uncomfortable. "Not to be a total bitch, but I do have a reputation. Nobody has seen me talk to any other student since freshmen year and coming to school with you today is gonna start a lot of rumors and place more attention on me than I already have. I don't like the attention.."

"But, you don't act like it bothers you. I saw kids whispering and pointing at you, but you just ignored their existence and held yourself up high with confidence. It amazes me for you to say that it actually bothers you." He seemed both confused and fascinated. I'm not a damn science experiment, you nitwit.

I narrowed my eyes at him and said," No one likes to be watched and treated like they're under a microscope; like some kind of freak." I started to open the passenger door to get out and drive myself to school. This was a bad idea from the start.

Nicolai's hand, however, shot out and grabbed my wrist before I could. "Thea, I'm sorry, I don't know how it is to be treated like that and it must really suck. But you gotta take charge of your own life. You shouldn't let them stop you from talking or going to school with someone. I know for a fact you don't give a damn what they think, so don't give a damn about the attention they give you either. They're just bored with their own god-awful lives. Plus, I'm gonna be there with you so rumors are gonna come at me too, especially since I'm still the "new" kid." He gave me a small, encouraging smile and for some reason, I believed him. God, I should really really start making better decisions.

Sighing, I said," Fine. Let's go. I only have my dignity to lose." Nicolai flashed his charming smile and did a small happy dance.

"Yes! Let's show some girl power!" I stared at him. WTF. He saw the shocked look I had on my face, and sheepishly shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry I got a bit too excited."

I smirked," Just a tad." His cheeks got all red from embarrassment. Aww, he's so cute... Woah, wtf, I have got to stop thinking things like that. I berated myself all the way to school for being such a weak, giggly schoolgirl. Before I knew it, we were parked in front of school and already everyone sitting on the school steps were staring at us, more specifically, at me.

I turned to Nicolai with an exasperated look on my face.

"Why the hell do I let you drag me into these things?"

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