Chapter Ten

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"Sometimes the most ordinary things can be made extraordinary by doing them with the right people." ~Anonymous


Thea's P.O.V.

"This is where you wanted to take me for our first session?" I asked uncertainly glancing out the window. We stopped on dirt path in front of a vast meadow stretching for what seemed like miles. Little flowers had sprouted everywhere; purples, reds, yellows, and blues dotted the grassy plain creating a mural of beauty. It was magnificent. I've only ever seen such a scene on paintings or pictures, yet, here it was, right before my eyes. I lived here my whole entire life and I never discovered this place. I wondered how Nicolai found it considering he's new to town. And more importantly, why were we here?

Nicolai unbuckled his seatbelt and opened his door and got of the car leaving my question unanswered. "Fine. Don't tell me what we're doing here, asshat," I grumbled under my breath as I unbuckled my own seatbelt. Before I could even make the move to open my door, Nicolai was there opening it for me. What a gentlemen. I mentally rolled my eyes. Getting out of the car, I mumbled a "thanks" to him and walked to the edge of the meadow. 

I turned around to face Nicolai only to find him right in front of me. As I looked him in the eyes, I realized his eyes were the same color of the grassy meadow and coincidently, also his favorite color. I sucked in a shaky breath, pulling my gaze away from his eyes. Clearing my throat, I repeated my question," So what are we doing here exactly?"

"You'll see." I forced myself to look at him. My breath caught. He stared at me intensely, sending shivers down my spine. I hope he can't see how much his presence is affecting me. His eyes studied my face, searching for something, I didn't know what. I refused to back down from his curious eyes. When he was eventually satisfied, he tore his gaze from my skeptical face and faced the meadow. Spreading his arms out wide, he stood there embracing the calm breeze that blew through the whole meadow. I couldn't tear my eyes away from him. He almost looked like a dark angel with his leather jacket blowing slightly with the wind. Just as I thought that, he caught my eye and it was like he could read my thoughts. He lowered his arms and gave me a small smile, not the usual smirk that drove me insane.

He motioned me forward, smiling playfully," Come on, it's time to prove you wrong." I rolled my eyes at him and followed him into the center of the meadow. The feeling of walking through the tall grass and multi-colored flowers made it feel as if I was walking through water.

When I finally reached Nicolai, he clapped his hands together and said," Alright, today's gonna be easy for you cause we're starting off slow. I'm not gonna tell you what you're going to feel today because then all you're going to do is think about it and not actually experience it. So are you ready, Ice Queen?" Mischief glinted in his eyes. I had no idea what was about to happen, what he was going to make me do, and why he was looking at me like that, so no, I was not fucking ready.

"Yeah, let's get this over with," I sighed. Nicolai stood in front of me and held out his hands.

"Ok I want you to close your eyes and take my hands." I gave him a blank stare and snapped," How the hell is this exactly supposed to make me "feel"? What, are you gonna make me touch your sweaty hands, so I'll feel disgust?" He answered me calmly, unfazed by my obvious insult," My hands aren't going to make you feel anything, I just need to help you because you're going to have your eyes closed. And for your information, my hands are not sweaty which you'll find out right about now." Nicolai grabbed my hands in his tight grip and two things crossed my mind as I glared at him. One: I was wrong about his hands being sweaty. They felt really cool and were soft, yet rough at the same time. Not to mention he had a really strong grip. Two: He was wrong about his hands not making me feel anything. When he touched my hands, a shock went through my body, the kind that all romance books deem as "sparks".

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