•°Chapter 46°•

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☆•°Speed Of Light°•☆●

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☆•°Speed Of Light°•☆

Jisung opened the door and met with yet another delivery of flowers and presents. This was probably the fifteenth or sixteenth time he had received a gif this past month and today, he only took it with a saddened smile and closed the door right after.

He put the package next to himself and held the flowers in his hands, sitting down on the couch with a deep sigh.

He stared at the flowers in his arms with tears welling up in his eyes. He was tired of this, it only hurt at this point.

It's been way over half a year since Changbin had visited him and slowly but surely, he felt like he was falling into depression, but of course he didn't want to admit it.

He didn't care about the gifts or the flowers anymore, didn't want to simply have phone calls anymore. It was so tiring, he missed Changbin with his entire heart and he couldn't do it anymore.

Hugging the flowers as he closed his eyes, a few tears fell against the colorful petals of heavenly smelling roses.

"I miss you.."

The power of humans in comparison to animals and other living organisms, is their freedom. Their freedom to close their eyes and imagine another world. A world they prefer, a better world, a different world.

Jisung had closed his eyes, imagining a world, where he and Changbin lived in the same country. No, in the same apartment. In his imaginary world, they didn't live in a villa at the beach. The didn't have much, only a small place to live in, but that place, it was filled with love, it was their home.

A home to young love, to a small family. In this ideal world, they had two cats living with them. And they were happy, didn't matter how little they had.

Jisung imagined slow mornings. Waking up to the sun rising, kissing the older's lips, getting up together, having breakfast together before going to work.

"You're so beautiful."

"You're pretty."

"You're my future boyfriend."

He heard Changbin's voice, seeing his sweet smile, wishing to feel the warmth of his hugs again.

Opening his eyes, that perfect world disappeared. The thing he wished for the most disappeared. However, not just in his imaginary world, but also in real life, when he suddenly got a call from an unknown number.

He didn't answer at first, the rational thing to do when an unknown number randomly calls you. However, when that same number called him for the third time, he got too curious and worried, especially when realizing the dialing code was "+82".

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