Chapter 13

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Shivaay comes in room with his friend but stopped in entrance ,when he  found her hugging rayaansh.   Seeing them together his hand turned into fist while his eyes turned red in rage.  He is feeling like to pull this Rayansh away and just tear him apart into pieces for touching his anika.   But on the same time , he is feeling angry on anika as well... who gave him permission for touching her.  When he try to touch her ,then she behaves so rude with him and push him like, he is some  disease or something. But for rayaansh she is different and always treat him so good, which burns his heart seeing  her  hypocrisy towards him.

Anns are you alright.  You look so pale.  He says caressing her face with his hand looking at her lovingly.

I'm fine. It's  just little pain in my feet nothing more. She whispered passing him tight smile. 

But you are making her uncomfortable.    Just let her sit Properly. Shivaay held his elbow and made him stand up glaring him. 

R. What's wrong with you shivaay. Why are you being so rude to me ... he says snatching his arm away from his hold.

Sh.  Oh really you felt that.  that's good.  Now stay away from anika and me.  He warns him pointing finger at him.

R. Youuu

An. Guys stop it.  Stop fighting like kid. And shivaay. He is my friend as well. He came to see me. So  don't be rude with him. She warns shivay while glaring him

Sh. Why you always shout at me. Why don't you say anything to him. He says pointing at Ryaansh  while glaring him.

An. Because you are wrong.  You are the one who is creating scene here not anyone esle. And about Ayaan then he is my friend snd he will stay here.

Sh. Then I guess I shouldn't be here. Don't I. He sneers. But seeing her blank face he shakes his head and chuckle.

Sh. Fine I'll leave. Stay with your friend. I don't give shit shout it. Saying this he passed the tray fo malika and stormed away from there in anger following with tia ,who is feeling happy seeing them fighting.

Om. What's wrong with him why he is behaving like that.

An. He is gone mad. Nothing more. Don't worry about him. He will be fine soon. Shivaay who heard all this from window , he Felt hurt seeing her not caring about him. He was her friend. At least she should be little nice to him. But no , she just hate him to the core despite his loads of care towards her.

In oberoi mansion

Shivaya comes in his room and kicked the chair making it break in pieces.

Baby what you doing. Why you seems so angry. Tia comes running towards him and hold his arms in her hold.

Sh. Didn't you see how she was behaving With me. I was her best friend before that rayaansh ... but she was taking all side of that loser. I can't believe ,she can be change like that. She used to care about me a lot. But now she behaves like I'm her enemy or something.

T. She was same like this before baby. It's just, she didn't show it. But now her true colour is getting clear infront of all of us. She have understood that ,she doesn't have any chance with you ,as I'm your girlfriend now and you love me. That's why she is doing all this. She says cupping his face in her palms.

Sh. What are you talking about tia. He says removing her hands from his face

T. That's the truth baby. Moreover , why are you worried about her. And wny do you care , if she is behaving like that. You got me , who loves you so much snd wanna be with you always. You don't need any anika in your life when I'm here. Hmm she smiles and move towards his lips to take them in kiss .. but he moved back turning his back on her making her hell angry seeing him stepping away from the kiss.

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