Chapter 35

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Seeing him standing infront of her after whole eight months " she just went in statue state. She couldn't say anything or react and standing still without blinking. She had thought that she would never see him in her life ever . He's been gone forever and now there's no chance' he will be back into her life. But she was wrong. Here he is standing infront of her having pale face looking all shocked and happy on the same time . But why he is giving her different expression rather than being angry and hatred. Isn't the same man" who had ousted her out of his life after insulting her infront of whole world. Then why the hell he seems happy finding her infront of him. She so wanna run away from here and refuse  to see the man who hurted her immensely. She had loved  him so dearly. But what he did. He broke her heart into so many pieces that now it can't be tend.  Right now seeing him infront of her making her  so uncomfortable that she wants to  escape from here. But she won't do that. She  will face him no matter what. He hasn't own this whole world. She won't  hide herself because of this one particular person who thinks ' he have  lead on everything.  if she has decided to be strong enough. Then she has to behave like that instead running away from the situations.

Mrs chohan where are you lost. Mr shivaay is waiting for you to say something. Mr lee brings her back on earth with his voice. Anika clear her throat and pinch the bridge of her nose in anticipation.

Yeh right. Hello mr oberoi. Shivaay raise his hand to hand shake with her. But seeing her not moving her arm. He got embarrassed and pulled his hand back. Seems like she really don't want him to touch her even.

Mrs anika Why don't you show mr oberoi around the campaign. I think you can  describe him better than anyone else. Anika open her mouth to say no instantly. But then she dropped the idea and nods her head.

Yh why not.  Let me lead you mr Oberoi. She pass him smile and started walking ahead following by him behind like lost puppy. Mr lee and other people are shocked the way he followed her instead being angry seeing her ordering him. He's been famous to be rude and arrogant' who never like someone if the person try to shove him down. But today seeing him behaving like that made them shook. On the other side ragini is searching shivaay everywhere. But he is no where to be seen. Here she'd thought that she would able to spend sometime with him and will lure him with her beauty. But since they have got down from their flight ' he didn't even spare a single glance at her which irked her so much.

What happened miss malhotra are you looking for me. Khana peak through her shoulder having mischief smile.

Oh leave me alone you fucker. Stop sticking around me like a leech. She huffs and stormed away from there running her eyes all around to get glimpse of shivaay.

Bitch. Khana curse her and set on one of the chair deciding to watch ticktok instead aching his feet around.

On the other side

Our campaign purpose is to get funds as much as we could. So that we could help people around who can't afford to pay for their treatment. And not only that Me and my other team have decided ' we gonna open a hospital in the city as well ' which will help not only cancer patients but other diseases as well. Till now we have gathered good money for that. But hopefully soon we manage to get more help from people and government. I've kept a meeting with top business men of the country. I'm sure they will come in handy for this good work. She smile walking him near the stalls holding her arms on her back.

That's great work anika. He managed to say after a long pause. As he was too busy to believe her being infront of Him after so many months. He had lost the hope to meet her again. But god had another plans and they are walking together yet again. He promised to himself now . No matter what happen. This time he will make sure to keep her with him. He won't let her go and will keep her near his heart till his last breath.

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