Chapter 42

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Anika ... rayaansh's voice crack looking at anika with sad gaze.

So you are engaged to someone else and here you are proposing me and even thinking to spoil another girl's life for your own happiness. How can you rayaansh. ???How can you be so selfish insensitive. Didn't you think once about that girl before doing all this. If you weren't interested then why the hell did you agree to do Engagement with her. You could had said that you don't want to do it. But no you done engagement and now showing affection towards me. I can't believe "you can do such thing rayaansh. What have you done to my best friend ha. Who always kept others infront than himself. Because the man I'm seeing right now. He is a selfish man who is ruining not only that girl's life. but breaking his parents heart as well. Who want to see you happy with their chosen girl.

Anika stop thinking about others ok. For once keep your happiness infront. I promise. I'll keep you happy. I won't let you feel disappointed. I will give everything which you deserve. Just give me a chance please. He rants like a child holding her hands in his palms whicn soon pulled by shivaay away and he stood between him and anika.

Ok that's enough rayaansh. I think you have enough convinced her. But seems like she doesn't want to be with you. So stop it ok. Stop embarrassing her infront of people. Just give her space man. Don't pressurising her for stuff which she doesn't want to do. He says hiding anika behind holding her hand.

Oh really you are telling me ha. Who have pressured her in each and every corner of her life. Don't behave like you are some naive and kind towards her. We all knows " what had you done before an year. And not only that you have done many things with her which no one knows except me. And one was making her your fake girlfriend.  so that you could make tia jealous. I remember each and every moment ... whenever you used to use her. She always used to come to me Crying  telling me how you treats her badly . So stop fuckin tell me to not do that which you always did. Just get the hell out of our way and let me talk to anika. He screams shoving him away which made shivay little stumble. But he still didn't move from his place and In not time he grasp rayaansh's collars and placed a punch on his face making all people gasp cupping their face.

Shivaay what are you doing stop it. Just stop . Anika try to stop shivaay. But both of the boys are fighting like animals throwing punches on each other faces . All the boys who were present there they also started pulling them away to stop them fighting . But seems like shivaay and Ryaansh have  got possessed and beating each other like beasts. 

I said stop it. Just fuckin stopppp it. Anika  screams coming between them " which was actually her biggest fault and mistakenly Ryaansh hit on her  shoulder making her cry in pain. As both Boys heard her cry they stop and widen their eyes in shock.

R. Ann's anns. I didn't mean to. Ann... he raise his hand to touch her but shivaay growl like a lion and just pushed him away making him fell on the floor.

Nick Nick are you alright ?!! Let me see... let me see. Anika shook hee head and sobs feeling throbbing pain on her shoulder. Shivaay pulls her closer and slowly remove the dress from her shoulder snd  got shocked seeing her skin red which surely gonna turn purple soon.

Oh god Annie ... Malika immediately hold her and made her sat on the chair. All people surrounded her. While rayaansh is still sitting on the floor holding his swollen cheek where shivaay has punched him twice.

Move you people move. Shivaay who had ran inside to get ice. He come running back and immediately sat besides anika and started tapping her shoulder with the ice.

It will be fine. It will be fine. He whispered soothing words pulling her closer. Anika closed her eyes and sob silently holding his lapel in her hand.

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